Academic Catalog

Social Inquiry

Mission Statement

The Social Inquiry Department fosters intellectual growth and career preparation within a liberal arts tradition that emphasizes individual attention and embodies respect for diverse cultures and multiple voices. Through its contribution to the University's general education program and its major and minor curricula, the department helps students to become life-long learners who seek understanding as a valuable end in its own right. In particular, the department encourages students to apply reflective and systematic thought to the social world using the methodological tools of the social sciences and humanities. Our goal is to produce graduates who approach their lives, both as professionals and as responsible members of local and global communities, with reason and creativity. The Department offers majors and minors in Sociology, Political Science, History and Broad Field Social Studies, along with minors in Anthropology, Philosophy and Gender Studies.

Social Inquiry Department Contact Information 

Social Inquiry Department
University of Wisconsin - Superior
Swenson Hall 3061
Belknap and Catlin Ave.
P.O. Box 2000
Superior, WI 54880
Phone: 715-394-8487