Academic Catalog

Psychology Major


33 total credits

Basic Core Courses
PSYC 101Introduction to Psychology3.00
PSYC 275Reading and Writing for Psychology3.00
PSYC 300Profession of Psychology: Professional Development3.00
PSYC 301Statistics for Psychological Research3.00
PSYC 303Research Methodology in Psychology3.00
PSYC 404Senior Research3.00
Academic Service Learning Courses
Designated AS-L courses that are listed in a Content Area will meet both the AS-L and the Content Area requirement.
Gender, Psychology and Society
Learning and Behavior
Human Development Across the Lifespan
Psychological Disorders
Content Area Courses - 15 credits required, at least one course must be selected from 4 of the 5 areas listed below - the additional three credits can come from any content area.15.00
Individual, Social and Developmental Courses
Social Psychology
The Psychology of Close Relationships
Human Development Across the Lifespan
Biological Aspects of Behavior Courses
Sensation and Perception
Behavioral Neuroscience
Adjustment and Well-Being Courses
Health Psychology
Motivation and Emotion
Psychological Disorders
Theories of Psychotherapy
Psychological Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Learning, Cognition and Language Courses
Social Cognition
Learning and Behavior
Memory and Cognition
Diverse Perspectives Courses
Gender, Psychology and Society
Psychology of Men and Masculinity
Culture and Identity
Elective Credits
The three remaining credits for the Psychology major may consist of any Psychology content course, including any of the courses from the above listed five content areas AND/OR transfer credits coming in under the Psychology subject area (i.e. PSYC 189, PSYC 289, PSYC 389, PSYC 489).
Total Hours33.00

Special Topics and Independent Study

These are not required elements of the Psychology major, but may be used in some circumstances to help satisfy major requirements in the following ways:

  • Elective credits - Any PSYC 390 or PSYC 490 course that is not already being applied to a specific requirement can count for elective credits toward the major.
  • Meeting content area requirements: To satisfy a content area requirement, a Special Topics course (390 section) or Independent Study course (490 section) must be associated with a relevant content area or direct course substitution at the time of its creation by the Psychology program faculty instructing the course.
PSYC 390Special Topics in Psychology3.00
PSYC 490Independent Study1.00-9.00
Total Hours4.00-12.00