Academic Catalog

Business Administration Major (Non-Comprehensive)


39-40 total credits

Required School of Business and Economics Core Courses
BUS 101Introduction to Business3.00
MATH 151Calculus for Business, Life, and Social Sciences3.00-4.00
or MATH 240 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Finite Mathematics
ACCT 200Financial Accounting3.00
ACCT 201Managerial Accounting3.00
BUS 211Business Law I3.00
BUS 270Business Statistics3.00
ECON 250Principles of Microeconomics3.00
ECON 251Principles of Macroeconomics3.00
FIN 320Principles of Finance3.00
BUS 370Principles of Marketing3.00
BUS 380Principles of Management3.00
BUS 495Strategic Management (Capstone)3.00
Choose at least one 300-400 level course offered by SBE.3.00
Total Hours39.00-40.00


Students with an Economics Major cannot use ECON courses for electives.

Only students who are not comprehensive majors in the School of Business and Economics may declare this major.