Academic Catalog

Business Administration Major - International Business Concentration (Comprehensive)


57-58 total credits

Required School of Business and Economics Core Courses
BUS 101Introduction to Business3.00
MATH 151Calculus for Business, Life, and Social Sciences3.00-4.00
or MATH 240 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Finite Mathematics
ACCT 200Financial Accounting3.00
ACCT 201Managerial Accounting3.00
BUS 211Business Law I3.00
BUS 270Business Statistics3.00
ECON 250Principles of Microeconomics3.00
ECON 251Principles of Macroeconomics3.00
FIN 320Principles of Finance3.00
BUS 370Principles of Marketing3.00
BUS 380Principles of Management3.00
Required Concentration Courses
ECON 430International Economics3.00
BUS 430International Business3.00
BUS 495Strategic Management (Capstone)3.00
Select three of the following:9.00
Independent Study in Accounting
Study Abroad
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Business Internship
Advanced Business Law
Intercultural Communication in Global, Business, and Social Contexts
Development Economics
Supply Chain Management
Air Transportation Management
International and Intermodal Transportation Management
Global Awareness 1
Select six credits (two courses) of one foreign language or six credits (two courses) 300 level or higher of the following:6.00
Global History of Indigenous Peoples
Cultures of Mesoamerica
Research in Art
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Community Engagement in Ghana-Study Abroad
Intercultural Communication in Global, Business, and Social Contexts
Study Abroad
Development Economics
Comparative Economic Systems
Economic Geography
Advanced Topics in Human/Environment Interaction
Urban Planning and Transportation Systems
Study Abroad
Nationalism and Nationalist Movements
Global History of Indigenous Peoples
Samurai: A History of Japan
Women, Colonialism, and Nationalism in Modern Southeast Asia
Interrogating the Vietnam War: A History of Modern Vietnam (1885-1975)
Modern India: From Gandhi to Slumdog Millionaire
Global History of Indigenous Peoples
Global E-Commerce Systems
Comparative Law and Courts
Study Abroad
Paths to Peace
International Law
Theories of Human Rights
Global Studies Capstone
Culture and Identity
Study Abroad
International and Intermodal Transportation Management
Total Hours57.00-58.00

Students can complete either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree with an International Business concentration. For BA, students must fulfill the university's foreign language requirement (6 college-level credits of one foreign language), as outlined in the University catalog.


Students with more than one major in SBE must have a minimum 5 course difference between majors. The 5 or more courses that differ between majors must be a combination of required major/concentration courses and elective courses.