Academic Catalog

University Studies

Learning Goals for the University Studies Program

University Studies Requirements for 2024-2026

The Learning outcomes of the University Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Superior are:


  1. Students will apply modes, styles, and conventions of communication appropriate to the students' work and their audience.
  2. Students will identify the essential components of a work/presentation and describe their relationship to each other and to the broader context.
  3. Students will clearly express themselves to achieve a purpose.
  4. Students will civilly engage in an exchange of ideas integrating diverse perspectives.

Individual and Social Responsibility

  1. Students will engage in thoughtful analysis that fosters well-being and holistic self-development.
  2. Students will articulate their roles and responsibilities in a global community.
  3. Students will practice healthy interdependence and mutual respect for others through teamwork.
  4. Students will demonstrate informed civic engagement, including intercultural competence as a dimension of the experience.
  5. Students will apply ethical reasoning in the academic and community learning experiences.

Creative and Critical Thinking

  1. Students will articulate important questions, theories, and creative processes.
  2. Students will analyze information to answer specific questions.
  3. Students will evaluate assumptions and biases associated with a project, practice, or process.
  4. Students will consider multiple, diverse, and global perspectives to answer important questions or produce original work.
  5. Students will use evidence to reach and present innovative conclusions or produce original work.

Description of University Studies Core Categories

Academic and Professional Writing

(WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing and WRIT 209 Introduction to Professional Writing)

Critical reading, research, and academic writing arguments. Emphasis on information literacy, elements of persuasion, documentation and citation. Writing in a range of genres related to the rhetorical situations, audiences, technologies, and multicultural environments of the 21st century workplace. Emphasis on liberal arts career skills. Students must pass with a C- or better to complete the core writing sequence.

Communicating Arts

(COMM 110 Introduction to Communication)

Helps students develop essential interpersonal communication, group communication, and public speaking competencies through practice, analysis, and critical exploration of diverse human interactions.

Mathematics and Computer Science


Develops the skills necessary for analytical and quantitative problem-solving in all subjects, using central concepts and methods from mathematics and computer science, including number systems, symbolic representation, formal languages, mathematical modeling, and logical reasoning.

Health and Human Performance

(HHP 102 Foundations for Wellness and Success)

HHP 102 will supply foundational knowledge, understanding of critical thinking, and resources pertinent to academic and social success at UWS.  Students will participate in group activities that enhance belonging and community.  Students will learn content in areas, including emotional, social, mental, spiritual, physical, environmental, and occupational health and wellness. 

Description of University Studies Knowledge Categories



Enables students to recognize that reasoned interpretations of the human past must be consistent with verifiable historical evidence and are, nonetheless, contested as they are reshaped to serve the concerns of the present; and empowers students to create personal meaning by developing their own reasoned interpretations of the human past.


Instills the joy of reading literature; stimulates the power of the imagination; promotes the analysis of various types of literary expression; and explores different traditions and modes of telling stories.

World Language, Culture, and Philosophy

Encourages students to make connections across all areas of knowledge, different modes of communication, and diverse cultural, linguistic, and conceptual traditions; and encourages students to develop empathy and understanding for other cultural, linguistic, and conceptual traditions.

Social Sciences

Enables students to examine human behavior or interaction using the methods and assumptions of social science research.

Natural and Physical Science

Environmental Course

Enables students to understand our natural environment and the effects of human interactions on it.

Lab Course

Enables students to understand the nature of science and scientific inquiry through hands-on experiences.

Fine and Applied Arts

Fine Arts History, Criticism, and Appreciation

Helps students to analyze, evaluate, and relate artists, creative artifacts, and artistic productions of diverse cultures from ancient times to the present.

Aesthetic Experience

Gives students practical experience in developing their own creativity in one or more genres of expression, and augments appreciation for the diversity of creative communication.

Description of University Studies Diversity & Global Awareness Categories

Diversity Requirement

Promotes understanding of issues arising from diversities such as racial, ethnic, linguistic, class, religious, rural/urban/suburban, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, and national origin.

Global Awareness Requirement

Broadens students' horizons through exposure to perspectives from traditionally lesser studied regions and cultures (i.e., non-Eurocentric), and 2) Encourages students to see social, economic, cultural, and/or political connections among world regions.

University Studies Requirements

All students entering UW-Superior as freshmen must complete the Core University Studies Requirements of WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing and WRIT 209 Introduction to Professional Writing, COMM 110 Introduction to Communication, HHP 102 Foundations for Wellness and Success and their choice of MATH or CSCI among their first 60 credits. Failure to complete these courses by that time will result in a hold being placed on an ensuing registration that does not contain the missing course(s), which may not then be dropped. Students will only be able to register through the Registrar's Office and enrollment in the missing course(s) must be included.

Core Requirements

University Studies requirements, especially the core courses, should be taken early. Core courses strengthen reading, writing, public speaking, problem solving, analytical, and interpersonal skills. Core courses (WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing and WRIT 209 Introduction to Professional WritingCOMM 110 Introduction to Communication, HHP 102 Foundations for Wellness and Success, and the MATH or CSCI course) cannot be applied or substituted for any major or minor requirement.

All core courses should be taken in the freshman and sophomore semesters: WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing and WRIT 209 Introduction to Professional Writing taken sequentially in the first and second year; COMM 110 Introduction to Communication in the first year, MATH or CSCI started during the first year; HHP 102 Foundations for Wellness and Success in the first semester.

WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing and WRIT 209 Introduction to Professional Writing (each 3 credits). Core Writing Course Placement

Placement into WRIT 099 Fundamentals of Writing: Fundamentals of Writing. This course prepares students for the challenge of reading and writing at the college level. This course must be taken within 30 credits. Students must co-enroll in WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing.  Transfer students, see Transfer Student Policy below.

Placement into WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing. Upon placement, this course should be taken in the freshman year, fall or spring. The course must be taken within 30 credits. Students must pass this course with a C- or better to continue on to WRIT 209 Introduction to Professional Writing or else be repeated until a C- is earned. Transfer students, see Transfer Student Policy below.

Credit for Prior Learning in WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing:   Students who earn a sufficient score on the WEPT are exempt from WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing

Students with an AP Lang/Comp or AP Lit/Comp score of 3 or higher earn 3 credits for WRIT 209 Introduction to Professional Writing   Students who earn a 50 or higher on the CLEP College Composition exam earn 3 credits for WRIT 209 Introduction to Professional Writing

Placement into WRIT 209 Introduction to Professional Writing. With the completion of WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing with a C- or better, this course should be taken in the sophomore year, fall or spring. The course must be taken within 60 credits. Students must pass this course with a C- or better to complete the Core Writing Courses. Transfer students, see Transfer Student Policy below.

Transfer Student Policy for Core Writing Placement: Students who arrive at UW-Superior with 3 credits of 100-level college writing completed at a C- or higher have satisfied the requirements for WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing

Students who arrive with 3 credits of 100- or 200-level college composition completed at a C- or high have satisfied the requirements for both WRIT 102 Introduction to Academic Writing and WRIT 209 Introduction to Professional Writing.

Some majors may still require WRIT 209 Introduction to Professional Writing if a Professional Writing course has not been completed.

Communicating Arts 110 (3 credits)

No student may take COMM 110 Introduction to Communication on a Pass-Fail basis.

Mathematics and Computer Science (3 credits)

Students must choose a minimum of three credits in MATH and/or CSCI courses from among these courses: 

CSCI 101Introduction to Computer Science3.00
MATH 112Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics3.00
MATH 113Algebra with Applications3.00
MATH 115Precalculus5.00
MATH 130Elementary Statistics4.00
MATH 150Finite Mathematics3.00
MATH 151Calculus for Business, Life, and Social Sciences3.00
MATH 240Calculus and Analytic Geometry I4.00

MATH 112 Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics, MATH 130 Elementary Statistics and CSCI 101 Introduction to Computer Science are recommended. For students with appropriate preparation, MATH 113 Algebra with Applications, MATH 115 Precalculus, MATH 151 Calculus for Business, Life, and Social Sciences, and MATH 240 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I are also recommended. Students are encouraged to work with a faculty advisor to select a course appropriate to their level of mathematical preparation, interests, and major field of study.

All students entering UW-Superior are required to take the Wisconsin Math Placement Test. Test results are used to determine which Mathematics and Computer Science courses students are eligible to take at that time. Students with insufficient preparation may become eligible to take more advanced Mathematics and Computer Science courses by completing one or more lower-level courses as indicated by the Math Placement Test results.  Students placing into developmental level math (below 100-level) are expected to complete the developmental coursework before earning 30 credits.

Health and Human Performance 102 (3 credits)

All students must successfully complete HHP 102 Foundations for Wellness and Success or FYS 100 First-Year Seminar-Health Promotion/Human Performance. Students with medical restrictions should contact the coordinator of HHP 102 Foundations for Wellness and Success before the first lab session. All Health and Human Performance department majors and minors must earn a grade of C or better in HHP 102 Foundations for Wellness and Success.

Knowledge Categories

The University Studies courses listed in the Knowledge Categories expose students to a broad array of concepts, perspectives and methodologies. They all integrate skills from the core courses into their content and require active engagement.

No more than six credits from any one program bearing the same prefix may be applied toward Knowledge Category requirements.

The credits given are the minimum for each category.

Select one of the following:3.00
The History of Human Origins 2
Modern World History 2
The Ancient Mediterranean World
Soccer and identity: A Global History 2
Conquest and Resistance in Modern Asia 2
Modern Latin America 2
Modern Europe 1789 to Present
History of the United States Through 1877
The United States Since 1877
American Indian History I
American Indian History II
Indigenous History of the Great Lakes
Introduction to Comparative Politics
The Making of the Modern Global System 2
Select one of the following:3.00
British Literature I
British Literature II
Nonfiction Literature and Literacy
American Literature I
American Literature II
Multi-Ethnic American Literature 1
Literature by Women 1
World Literature I 2
World Literature II 2
First-Year Seminar-Humanities Literature
American Indian Literature
World Language, Culture, and Philosophy
Select one of the following:3.00
African-American Voices 1
Beginning Ojibwe Language
American Indian Art and Culture
Music and World Culture 1,2
Introduction To Philosophy
Philosophy and Film
Ancient Greek Philosophy
Contemporary Moral Problems
Beginning American Sign Language & Culture I
Beginning American Sign Language & Culture II
Any foreign language course will meet the Humanities Elective requirement if it is a language proficiency (rather than culture) course and at minimum three credits.
Social Sciences
Select two of the following (must include two different prefixes):6.00
The Human Experience 1
Food, Culture and Society
Language, Power, and Identity 1
Survey of Criminal Justice
Economics in Society
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Personal Finance
World Regional Geography 2
Cultural Geography 2
Introduction to Gender Studies 1
Sociology of Gender 1
Introduction to Mindfulness
War and Peace in Bosnia
War and Peace in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Study Abroad 1
Bosnia Study Abroad 1
First-Year Seminar-Social Sciences
Transitions: From Military to Campus Culture
Tribal Sovereignty
Contemporary Issues in American Indian Society
Law and Human Behavior
Contemporary Issues in Law and Society
Intro to Changemaking
Introduction to Political Science: Borders and Immigration
Introduction to Comparative Politics
Civic Literacy, Engagement and Education
Public Education Politics and Policy
U.S. National, State and Local Government
Bioterrorism: A Case in Public Policy Making
Contemporary Issues in American Politics
War and Peace in Bosnia
War and Peace in Northern Ireland
Introduction to Psychology
Social Cognition
Introduction to Sociology
Global Social Problems
Introduction To Social Work
Race and Ethnicity 1
Natural and Physical Science
Select one environmental course and one lab course: 36.00
Environmental Courses
GEOL 120 may be used to satisfy either the environmental or lab science requirement, not both.
Biological Inquiry for Teachers
Our Chemical Environment
Environmental Science
Lab Courses
Human Biology
Concepts In Biology
Principles of Biology I
Chemistry of Everyday Phenomena
General Chemistry I
The Dynamic Earth
Our Water Resources
Light and Sound - Physics in the Arts
Algebra-Based Physics I
Physical Science
Calculus-Based Physics I
Fine and Applied Arts
Select 6 credits of the following:6.00
Art History, Criticism, and Appreciation
Art History Survey:The Ancient World to the Renaissance
Art History Survey:Renaissance to Modern Art
Film and Culture
Introduction to Theatre
Music Appreciation
Jazz Appreciation
Aesthetic Experience
Introduction to Art
Acting for the Stage
Introduction to Technical Theatre
Oral Interpretation
Social and Square Dance
UWS Singers
Percussion Ensemble
Jazz Combo
Jazz Band
Symphonic Band
Chamber Ensemble
University Orchestra
Chamber Winds
Global Percussion Ensemble
Introduction to Creative Writing
Diversity and Global Awareness Requirement - Co-requisites 4
Diversity Courses 5
Select one of the following:3.00
Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Doing Cultural Anthropology
Global History of Indigenous Peoples
Language, Power, and Identity
Visual Arts in Non-Western Societies
African and African Diaspora Art History
Gender, Crime, and Justice
Intercultural Communication in Global, Business, and Social Contexts
Comparative Economic Systems
Multi-Ethnic American Literature
Literature by Women
Multi-Ethnic American Novels
First-Year Seminar-Social Sciences, Diversity
World Regional Geography
Cultural Geography
Introduction to Gender Studies
Sociology of Gender
Gender, Psychology and Society
Psychology of Men and Masculinity
The Construction of Gender in the United States
Women and Politics
Women, Colonialism, and Nationalism in Modern Southeast Asia
African-American Voices
War and Peace in Bosnia
War and Peace in Northern Ireland
Modern India: From Gandhi to Slumdog Millionaire
American Indian Art and Culture
Tribal Sovereignty
American Indian History I
American Indian History II
American Indian Literature
Contemporary Issues in American Indian Society
Working with American Indian Families
Applied Research
Race, Ethnicity, and Justice
Music and World Culture
Jazz Appreciation
War and Peace in Bosnia
War and Peace in Northern Ireland
Culture and Identity
Race and Ethnicity
Voices of Hispanic Women
Latino Culture in the U.S.
Multicultural Education
Global Awareness Courses 6
Select one of the following:3.00
The Human Experience
The History of Human Origins
Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Global History of Indigenous Peoples
Cultures of Mesoamerica
Visual Arts in Non-Western Societies
African and African Diaspora Art History
International Economics
Development Economics
Comparative Economic Systems
World Literature I
World Literature II
World Regional Geography
Cultural Geography
Modern World History
Soccer and identity: A Global History
Conquest and Resistance in Modern Asia
Modern Latin America
Samurai: A History of Japan
Interrogating the Vietnam War: A History of Modern Vietnam (1885-1975)
Music and World Culture
Buddhism and Mind
Introduction to Political Science: Borders and Immigration
Introduction to Comparative Politics
The Making of the Modern Global System
Theories of Human Rights
Global Social Problems
Latin American Culture and Civilization
Total Hours33.00

Meets Diversity requirement


Meets Global Awareness requirement


GEOL 120 Our Water Resources may be used to satisfy either the environmental or lab sciences requirement, not both.


Students must choose separate diversity and global awareness courses.


Undergraduate coursework must include a minimum of three credits with a focus on issues of diversity. Courses within the Knowledge Categories that also satisfy this requirement are indicated with "D." 


Undergraduate coursework must include a minimum of three credits with a focus on global awareness issues. Courses within the Knowledge Categories that also satisfy this requirement are indicated with "GA."