Academic Catalog

Center for Continuing Education


Our vision is that northwestern Wisconsin is a thriving community with opportunity for all.


The Center for Continuing Education at the University of Wisconsin-Superior, provides educational programming to meet the needs of lifelong learners in northwestern Wisconsin.

At the Center for Continuing Education, we are dedicated to working with our community to serve our community.  Our community members are the people who live, work, and learn in northwestern Wisconsin.  We serve students, professionals, small businesses, leaders, and all lifelong learners through academic and professional development programs.  We work with community members, partners, and the University of Wisconsin-Superior to provide relevant and accessible programs.

We want our northwestern Wisconsin community to have the full range of lifelong learning programs it needs so that our community members can grow personally and professionally.  We believe our work can help the community realize a good quality of life, retain a quality workforce, and provide opportunity for all its members.

Certificate Programs

Human Resource Generalist Certificate Program

This program is geared to HR professionals and students who wish to gain foundational knowledge and skills in the field of human resources. The certificate consists of workshops totaling 48 hours of training.  Participants seeking academic credit may register for BUS 499 Seminar in Business, this is a variable credit course - you must enroll in 3 credits, Human Resources Generalist.  Participants may complete the program in one year or two.  For more information, email or call 715-394-8469.  The Human Resource Generalist Certificate is listed on the University official transcript.

Mediation Certificate Program

The certificate program includes a total of 5 semester credits consisting of 2 required courses. Courses may also be taken on a noncredit basis. View the requirements for the Mediation Certificate in the certificate section of this catalog.

Upon completion of the Mediation Certificate, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of ethics and ethical issues in mediation.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of domestic abuse issues, including definition of battery and types of power imbalances; domestic abuse screening that includes simulation and role-plays; and, legal issues related to domestic abuse cases.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of conflict resolution and mediation theory, components of the mediation process, mediator conduct, and the rules, statutes and practices governing mediation.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of psychological issues related to separation, divorce and family dynamics; issues and needs of children in divorce; family law; and, family economics.
  • Demonstrate mediation skills and techniques through experiential learning and role-plays.

In order to successfully complete this certificate for credit, you must earn a GPA of 2.0 for each course. Click here for more information or email  The Mediation Certificate is listed on the University official transcript.

Paralegal Certificate Program

The Paralegal Certificate Program provides training in foundational and substantive legal topics, with an emphasis on both knowledge and practical skills for those considering legal careers. This 30-credit certificate is usually completed within two years.  

Upon completion of the Paralegal Certificate, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge of the law, including legal processes, reading and analyzing legal texts, legal research and writing, and criminal and civil legal systems.
  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge in the field of paralegalism, such as assisting in trial preparation, interviewing clients and witnesses, preparing comprehensive reports and letters, preparing discovery documents, and the ethical issues surrounding the profession.
  • Apply legal foundational knowledge to real world settings through internship experiences.

In order to successfully complete this certificate, you must earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 for each course.  The Paralegal Certificate is listed on the University official transcript.  Click here for more information or email

Criminal Justice Paralegal Certificate Program

The Criminal Justice Paralegal Certificate Program offers those interested in working in criminal law professional settings the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills relevant to the field. This 29 credit, concentrated certificate will help build your credentials in the field of criminal law.  Most students will complete this certificate in two years.

Upon completion of the Criminal Justice Paralegal Certificate, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge of the law, including legal processes, reading and analyzing legal texts, and legal research and writing with additional emphasis on criminal law.
  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge in the field of paralegalism, such as assisting in trial preparation, interviewing clients and witnesses, preparing comprehensive reports and letters, preparing discovery documents, and the ethical issues surrounding the profession.
  • Apply legal foundational knowledge to real world settings through internship experiences. 

In order to successfully complete this certificate, you must earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 for each course.  The Criminal Justice Paralegal Certificate is listed on the University official transcript.  Click here for more information or email

Certificate in Ethical Leadership Program

This certificate teaches foundational leadership principles and competencies.  Students will be able to expand their emotional intelligence, articulate their moral code, and build ethically grounded leadership skills enhancing successful leadership in any setting.  This 6-credit certificate consists of two required courses:

IDS 220Emotional Intelligence3.00
IDS 320Ethical Leadership3.00

 Upon completion of the Certificate in Ethical Leadership, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate awareness of the roles emotional intelligence and empathy play in effective leadership.
  • Demonstrate enhanced communication, critical thinking and decision-making skills.
  • Demonstrate basic understanding of leadership styles, ethical principles, and core values.
  • Apply ethical decision-making to real world settings.

In order to successfully complete this certificate, students must earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 for each course.  For more information, call 715-394-8469 or email  The Certificate in Ethical Leadership is listed on the University official transcript.

Certificate in Ethical Policing Program

This three-credit certificate is designed for future law enforcement professionals, as well as those who plan to enter related fields. Learning objectives include communication and stress management skills; increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence; the ability to recognize ethical dilemmas and implicit biases; and skills in ethically grounded organizational culture and leadership within law enforcement.

CJUS 325Foundations of Ethical Policing1.00
CJUS 326Issues in Ethical Policing1.00
CJUS 327Leadership in Ethical Policing1.00

Upon Completion of the Certificate in Ethical Policing students will be able to:

  • Identify accountability measures that support the development of ethical practices and competencies in all levels of law enforcement.
  • Recognize dynamics of organizational cultures, understand how they got to be that way, and identify strategies for change.
  • Understand the concept of implicit bias and demonstrate the ability to regulate it within the context of law enforcement.
  • Recognize the role of communication in police-community interactions and practice and apply effective communication techniques.
  • Understand officer misconduct and use-of-force and the implications for law enforcement and society.
  • Develop leadership strategies that support positive outcomes for the department and the community. 

In order to successfully complete this certificate, students must earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 for each course. For more information, call 715-394-8469 or email  The Certificate in Ethical Policing is listed on the University official transcript.

Science of Brewing Certificate

The six-credit Science of Brewing certificate is comprised of BREW 301 Science of Brewing I and BREW 302 Science of Brewing II. Courses may also be taken on a non-credit basis. 

Upon completion of the certificate, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the basic ingredients in the composition of beer
  • Utilize various biological and chemical processes to evaluate the basic ingredients
  •  Apply scientific processes (biological and chemical) to the brewing process
  •  Apply their understanding of brewing ingredients and the brewing process to modifications to the final product (drinkable beer)
  •  Utilize biological and chemical processes to assess homebrewed beer
  •  Evaluate common parameters of homebrewed and commercially brewed beers
  •  Identify and associate abnormalities in beer color, flavor, or clarity to specific components of the brewing process

Statement Regarding Alcohol Consumption for Educational Purposes

The presence or consumption of alcohol in this course is for educational purposes only. Students are not expected or encouraged to consume alcohol beyond a sampling. Students are responsible to maintain low-risk drinking guidelines, to drink in a safe manner and location, and to follow all relevant laws and school policies related to alcohol use and consumption. Students with alcohol abuse or dependency, known medical issues, taking medications, or any other matters whereby they should refrain from consuming alcohol should not take this course.  

To successfully complete this certificate for credit, students must earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 for each course. Students must be 21 years or older to register. For more information, call 715-394-8469 or email

Digital Badges at UW-Superior

The Center for Continuing Education offers digital badges for completed certificates and various professional development learning experiences. Badges are the visual representation of a skill or an achievement gain. Digital badges can be shared on social media accounts like LinkedIn and displayed on a learner's digital resume, ePortfolio, and email signature. Click here to learn more about digital badging at UW-Superior or email us at

Leadership Superior/Douglas County

The Center for Continuing Education sponsors a regional 10-month program to enhance the progress of northern Wisconsin. Established in 1991, the Leadership Superior/Douglas County (LSDC) program provides 24-26 emerging and existing leaders the opportunity to be involved in improving the community and shaping its future. Participants represent a cross-section of urban and rural communities of Douglas County and have diverse professional backgrounds and interests. Participants receive experiences in topics relevant to local businesses, organizations, and the community. Businesses and organizations that sponsor participants gain employees who have a deeper understanding of challenges faced by the community as well as available opportunities to connect with the community. The community gains leaders who have developed a heightened sense of civic concern, responsibility, and involvement. Participants are selected through a competitive process. Persons who live and/or work in Superior or Douglas County are invited to apply for the program each June. For further information contact 715-394-8469 or click here.

Small Business Development Center

Located in: Erlanson Hall 108
Phone: 715-394-8352 

The Small Business Development Center at UW-Superior is part of a statewide network supporting entrepreneurs and business owners through no-cost, professional, confidential consulting and targeted educational programs.  Regional SBDC experts facilitate improvement and growth for small and emerging mid-size companies and help launch successful enterprises.

Our consultants work with you to support your success as you Start | Manage | Grow your business.  In addition to in-person appointments at our office or at a location nearer to you, consulting is available via email, telephone and web or video conference.

Training Program Topics

Start-Up Business Solutions

  • Learn how to launch a strong, successful company though one on one assistance and business education.

Grow Your Business Series

  • From web marketing and financial management to human resources and internal communication, the Growing Business courses help small business owners, managers, and staff achieve their full potential.

Small Business Success Series

  • These series have been developed to provide the tools, concepts, and strategies to create a successful business.  The focus of the programming has been focused on existing small business owners and key management.

Conferences, Workshops and Other Non-Credit Professional Development Programming

Throughout the year, the Center for Continuing Education offers conferences, workshops, online courses and certificates, and forums related to current issues in human health and wellbeing, nonprofit management, human resource management, and other areas.

Enrolling in Continuing Education Credit Programming

Current UW-Superior students can enroll in courses via their E-Hive accounts.

Prospective, non-degree seeking students can enroll as "Special Students" in Continuing Education's credit programming by completing the Academic Credit Class Enrollment form prior to the start of each semester.  The forms can be submitted via email to or in-person to Old Main 100.  Continuing Education Special Students are not eligible for financial aid.  If Continuing Education Special Students request to become degree seeking, they will be required to formally apply to the university through the UW-Superior Admissions Office.  Former UWS students: Contact CCE for instructions at