Academic Catalog

Human Behavior, Justice and Diversity

Mission Statement

Human Behavior, Justice and Diversity Department is a multi-disciplinary department housing Social Work, Psychology, Legal Studies and First Nations Studies.

Faculty and Staff

Beal, Alvin - Asst Prof, 1st Nation Studies
Blue, Elizabeth - Prof, Social Work
Bolton Holz, Kenna - Asst Professor, Psychology
Cuzzo, Maria - Professor, PhD, JD, Mediator
Fena, Andrew - Senior Lecturer
Geary, Erin - Senior Lecturer
Goerdt, Lynn - Asst Professor, Social Work
Heehn, Ashley - Lecturer
Johnson, Gary - Asst Professor, First Nation
Johnson, Margaret - Univ Svcs Assoc 2, HBJD
Jones, Daniel - Sr Lecturer, First Nation
Keveles, Gary - Professor, Crim Jus (Legal St)
Larson, Emily - Senior Lecturer
Lewandowski, Diane - University Svcs Program Assoc
Munger, Mark - Sr Lecturer, Legal Studies
O'Connor, Christopher - Asst Professor, Crim Justice
Peterson, Dawn - Senior Lecturer
Pinnow, Eleni - Asst Prof, Psychology
Rappley-Larson, Maureen - Assistant Professor, HBJD
Roth Day, Monica - Assoc Prof, Social Work
Schmalzried Schmidt, RaLynn - Asst. Professor (Psychology)
Skwira-Brown, Kevin - Senior Lecturer, Social Work
Stocker, Shevaun - Assoc Professor, Psychology
Weber, Carolyn - Sr Lecturer, Social Work
Woerle, Sandra - Sr Lecturer, Legal Studies
Wright, George - Professor, Political Science

Course Descriptions

First Nation Studies

FNS 686  Special Topics  1.00-4.00  
In-depth study of specialized current topics in First Nations Studies selected by the instructor. May be repeated for credit when instructor and/or topics are different. Instructor's approval required.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms


PSYC 789  Psychology Elective  1.00-99.00  
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.

Contact Information

Human Behavior, Justice and Diversity Department
University of Wisconsin - Superior
Swenson Hall 3113
Belknap and Catlin Ave.
P.O. Box 2000
Superior, WI 54880
Phone: 715-394-8158