Academic Catalog

Natural Sciences

Mission Statement

Welcome to the Natural Sciences Department! We are a multidisciplinary group with programs in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology and Geography. Our curriculum focuses on using scientific inquiry as a way of knowing and applying scientific knowledge to societal issues of local, regional, and global importance.

Faculty and Staff

Arnhold Davies, Michelle - Asst Professor, Physiology
Bajjali, William - Professor
Balcer, Mary - Professor, Aquatic Ecology
Breckenridge, Andrew - Associate Professor
Burkett, Edward - Professor, Biology
Cook, Peter - Assistant Professor, Physics
Danz, Nicholas - Assoc Professor, Plant Science
Gabrys-Alexson, Randy - Professor, Geography
Lane, James - Professor, Chemistry
Nelsen, Melissa - Associate Professor, Chemistry
Riker-Coleman, Kristin - Asst Professor, Geology
Rios Mendoza, Lorena - Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Schmude, Kurt - Associate Professor
Schuldt, Jeffrey - Professor, Biology
Teneyck, Matthew - Senior Lecturer
Waxman, Michael - Professor, Chemistry

Course Descriptions



GEOG 481  Special Topics  1.00-6.00  
In-depth study of specialized topics in geography selected by the faculty on the basis of student interest/need. May include workshops, seminars, special issues, etc. Course may be repeated when topics are different. Offered on demand.
Typically Offered:
  • On-campus: Select Semesters
  • Online: Select Semesters
GEOG 681  Special Topics  1.00-6.00  
In-depth study of specialized topics in geography selected by the faculty on the basis of student interest/need. May include workshops, seminars, special issues, etc. Course may be repeated when topics are different. Offered on demand.
Typically Offered:
  • On-campus: Select Semesters
  • Online: Select Semesters


PHYS 481  Special Topics  1.00-6.00  
In-depth study of specialized current topics in physics selected by the faculty on the basis of community interest. May include workshops, seminars, field trips, special problems, independent study. May be repeated when topics are different.
Typically Offered:
  • On-campus: Select Semesters;
PHYS 681  Special Topics  1.00-6.00  
In-depth study of specialized current topics in physics selected by the faculty on the basis of community interest. May include workshops, seminars, field trips, special problems, independent study. May be repeated when topics are different.
Typically Offered:
  • On-campus: Select Semesters;

Contact Information

Natural Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin - Superior
Barstow Hall 202
Belknap and Catlin Ave.
P.O. Box 2000
Superior, WI 54880
Phone: 715-394-8322