Academic Catalog

History Major - Bachelor of Arts


33 total credits

A total of 33 credits in history, including at least 21 credits from courses numbered 300 or above. All students completing the History major must fulfill the Bachelor of Arts language requirement. Coursework must include the following:

Required Core Courses
HIST 256Introduction to Historical Research and Writing-History of Wisconsin3.00
HIST 330Envisioning World History3.00
Geographic Distribution Areas
Select one course from each of the four following geographic codes: 112.00
Code 1-European History
Code 2-Latin American History
Code 3-Asian History
Code 4-World History
Race and Ethnicity Course
Select one three-credit history course at any level with a focus on race and/or ethnicity 2,33.00
Gender Course
Select one three-credit history course at any level with a focus on gender 3,43.00
Senior Capstone Experience 5
HIST 496Historiographical Research Theories and Methodologies3.00
HIST 497Senior Thesis3.00
Bachelor of Arts Degree Foreign/Indigenous Language Courses
Select three-six credits of Foreign/Indigenous Language courses3.00-6.00
Total Hours33.00-36.00

Each catalog description of history courses includes a code number indicating which code the course fulfills.


Courses that fulfill this requirement are noted in the catalog description of history courses with the notation "RE."


The same course cannot be used to complete both the Race and Ethnicity and the Gender requirement.


Courses that fulfill this requirement are noted in the catalog description of history courses with the notation "G."


These two courses should normally be taken in the senior year. HIST 496 Historiographical Research Theories and Methodologies is only offered in the fall, and HIST 497 Senior Thesis in the spring.