Academic Catalog

Computer Science Major (Comprehensive)


The comprehensive Computer Science Major provides the background necessary to prepare students for positions in industry or to pursue graduate study. Students completing this major will have a sufficient understanding of the basic principles and concepts in computer science but also will be able to meet immediate demands for solving real-world computational problems. This program is an ideal choice for students who intend to work as computer science professionals.

57 total credits

Math and Computer Science Core Courses
MATH 240Calculus and Analytic Geometry I4.00
MATH 310Introduction to Abstract Mathematics3.00
MATH 320Discrete Structures4.00
CSCI 201Introduction to Programming3.00
CSCI 202Object-Oriented Programming3.00
CSCI 224Assembly Language Programming4.00
CSCI 303Algorithms and Data Structures4.00
CSCI 340Software Development and Professional Practice4.00
CSCI 356Database Systems3.00
CSCI 451Operating Systems4.00
CSCI 461Computer Architecture4.00
CSCI 470Net-Centric Computing4.00
CSCI 499Group Capstone Project3.00
Advanced Topics Required Course
Select two of the following:6.00
Embedded Systems Design
Computer Graphics and Game Design
Internet Programming
Computer Security
Computational Theory Required Course
Select one of the following:4.00
Theory of Computation
Algorithm Design and Analysis
Total Hours57.00