Academic Catalog

Economics Major (Non-Comprehensive)


36-37 total credits

Required Core Courses
BUS 101Introduction to Business3.00
MATH 151Calculus for Business, Life, and Social Sciences3.00-4.00
or MATH 240 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Finite Mathematics
BUS 270Business Statistics3.00
ECON 250Principles of Microeconomics3.00
ECON 251Principles of Macroeconomics3.00
Major Required Courses
ECON 350Intermediate Microeconomics3.00
ECON 351Intermediate Macroeconomics3.00
ECON 470Applied Economic Analysis3.00
Global Awareness Required Course
ECON 430International Economics3.00
or ECON 435 Development Economics
Economics Elective Courses
Select nine credits of the following:9.00
Study Abroad
Money and Banking
Ecological Economics
Public Finance
Data Exploration & Economic Analysis
International Economics
Development Economics
Comparative Economic Systems
Seminar in Economic Issues
Transportation Fundamentals and Economics
Total Hours36.00-37.00


Students with more than one major in SBE must have a minimum 5 course difference between majors. The 5 or more courses that differ between majors must be a combination of required major/concentration courses and elective courses.

ECON 430 International Economics and ECON 435 Development Economics can be used to satisfy only one requirement in the major.