Academic Catalog

Writing (WRIT)

WRIT 680  Writing and Healing  3.00  
Exploration of theoretical and applied aspects of writing and healing. Forms studied and practiced may include poetry, story-telling, journaling, guided autobiography, and/or creative nonfiction, with focus on restorative benefits of narrative and imagistic writing.
Typically Offered:
  • Spring Term Every Other Year
WRIT 695  Directed Studies in Writing  1.00-3.00  
Supervised graduate study and research in Writing. Repeatable up to nine credits.
Typically Offered:
  • Occasional by Demand
WRIT 698  Prior Learning Portfolio  1.00  
Facilitation of student's creation of a portfolio that documents prior learning. Reflection and analysis of prior learning experiences to articulate knowledge, understanding, and skills that may meet graduate-level learning outcomes. Designed for students with significant work and life experiences.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms