Educational Administration (EDAD)
EDAD 700 Administrative Leadership 3.00
Study of selected theories and research relating to individual and group behaviors in K-12 educational organizations with emphasis on leadership characteristics of educational administrators, including participatory management, long-range strategic planning and change-agent processes. Particular emphasis given to human relations skills as well as oral and written communication skills needed by public school leaders.
EDAD 701 The Director of Instruction 3.00
A study of the various factors which will provide the student with foundations of research, theory, and best practices in instructional leadership and school.
EDAD 704 Practicum - Director of Instruction 1.50
Year-long minimum 320-hour administrative field experience (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Director of Instruction setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits-with EDAD 701 -The Director of Instruction, EDAD 741-Conflict Resolution and Mediation, and EDAD 750-School Law as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 704, EDAD 705, EDAD 706 and EDAD 707 for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling in to the next practicum course.
EDAD 705 Practicum - Director of Instruction 1.50
Year-long minimum 320-hour administrative field experience and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Director of Instruction setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits with EDAD 701-The Director of Instruction, EDAD 741-Conflict Resolution and Mediation, and EDAD 750-School Law as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 704, EDAD 705, EDAD 706 and EDAD 707 for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course.
EDAD 706 Practicum - Director of Instruction 1.50
Yearlong minimum 320-hour administrative field experience and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Director of Instruction setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits - with EDAD 701-The Director of Instruction, EDAD 741-Conflict Resolution and Mediation, and EDAD 750-School Law as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 704, EDAD 705, EDAD 706, and EDAD 707 for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course.
For any subsequent licensure, students are required to take EDAD 706 and EDAD 707 for licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course. These would be taken after completion of the initial licensure requirements of a previous UW-Superior EDAD program.
EDAD 707 Practicum - Director of Instruction 1.50
Yearlong minimum 320 -hour administrative field experience and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Director of Instruction setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits-with EDAD 701-The Director of Instruction, EDAD 741-Conflict Resolution and Mediation, and EDAD 750-School Law as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 704, EDAD 705, EDAD 706 and EDAD 707 for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course.
For any subsequent licensure, students are required to take EDAD 706 and EDAD 707 for licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course. These would be taken after completion of the initial licensure requirements of a previous UW-Superior EDAD program.
EDAD 709 Directed Study-Administrative Vision of Learning 1.00-3.00
Directed study by the graduate faculty member to the graduate student in the Administrative Vision of Learning contexts of Educational Administration.
EDAD 710 Supervision of Instruction 3.00
Study of the function of supervision and evaluation of personnel is designed to assist in the development of programs which will be appropriate to respective school positions and settings. Prepares any member of an organization for the instructional leadership role which requires program planning, evaluation, human relations, and oral and written communication skills.
EDAD 711 Curriculum Management and Development K-12 3.00
Study of the theories and related practices of curriculum development and curriculum organization in American schools. Focuses on methods, materials and strategies in the development, organization and delivery of curriculum in the American K-12 school system. Special emphasis given to development and interpretation of philosophical statements and management. Attention given to utilization of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction curriculum guides.
EDAD 719 Directed Study-Administration of Student Learning and Staff Growth 1.00-3.00
Directed study by the graduate faculty member to the graduate student in the Administration of Student Learning and Staff Growth contexts of Educational Administration.
EDAD 720 School Business Administration 3.00
Study of fiscal and material resource management and budgeting of K-12 school systems, including school finance, taxation and contract law with emphasis on the principles that should serve to guide the decision-making process.
EDAD 721 The Principalship 3.00
Study of the roles and responsibility of the school principal, with emphasis on development of effective instructional leadership skills for the various levels. Deals with the operational tasks of the principalship at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels. Response to contemporary and anticipated problems affecting the elementary and secondary schools are based on tested theory, research and applied practice.
EDAD 724 Practicum - PreK-12 Principal 1.50
Yearlong minimum 320 -hour administrative field experience and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Principalship setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits-with EDAD 721 The Principalship, EDAD 741-Conflict Resolution and Mediation, and EDAD 750-School Law as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 724, EDAD 725, EDAD 726 and EDAD 727 for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course.
EDAD 725 Practicum - PreK-12 Principal 1.50
Yearlong minimum 320 -hour administrative field experience and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Principalship setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits-with EDAD 721 The Principalship, EDAD 741-Conflict Resolution and Mediation, and EDAD 750-School Law as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 724, EDAD 725, EDAD 726 and EDAD 727 for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course.
EDAD 726 Practicum - PreK-12 Principal 1.50
Yearlong minimum 320-hour administrative field experience and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Principalship setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits with EDAD 721-The Principalship, EDAD 741-Conflict Resolution and Mediation, and EDAD 750-School Law as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 724, EDAD 725, EDAD 726 and EDAD 727for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course.
For any subsequent licensure, students are required to take EDAD 726 and EDAD 727 for licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course. Thee would be taken after completion of the initial licensure requirements of a previous UW-Superior EDAD program.
EDAD 727 Practicum - PreK-12 Principal 1.50
Yearlong minimum 320-hour administrative field experience and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Principalship setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits with EDAD 721-The Principalship, EDAD 741-Conflict Resolution and Mediation, and EDAD 750-School Law as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 724, EDAD 725, EDAD 726 and EDAD 727for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course.
For any subsequent licensure, students are required to take EDAD 726 and EDAD 727 for licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course. Thee would be taken after completion of the initial licensure requirements of a previous UW-Superior EDAD program.
EDAD 728 Diversity and Social Justice in Schools 3.00
Examination of issues related to inequities and inequalities in PK-12 schools. Explores diversity in education from a historical perspective to inform institutional practices regarding race, class, gender, sexual orientation and religion. Considers power dynamics, pedagogy, and ideologies that frame education in a democratic society. Explores the administrator's role and best practices in facilitating equity for all students.
EDAD 729 Directed Study - Administration of Organization, Operations and Resources 1.00-3.00
Directed study by the graduate faculty member to the graduate student in the Administration of Organization, Operations and Resources contexts of Educational Administration.
EDAD 730 Administration and Supervision Of Special Education and Pupil Services 3.00
Study of leadership and administrative paradigms of special education and pupil services PK-12. Emphasis on exceptional educational needs programming knowledge base for inclusive administrative leadership. Emphasis on special needs programming knowledge base not the prominent responsibility of regular or special education.
EDAD 734 Practicum- Director of Special Education 1.50
Year-long minimum 320-hour administrative field experience and seminar (i.e. 200 Special Education and 120 Pupil Services) and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Director of Special Education and Pupil Services setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits-with EDAD 730 Administration and Supervision of Special Education and Pupil Services, EDAD 832 Special Education Law, and EDAD 741 Conflict Resolution and Mediation as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 734, EDAD 735, EDAD 736, EDAD 737 for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course.
EDAD 735 Practicum- Director of Special Education 1.50
Year-long minimum 320-hour administrative field experience and seminar (i.e. 200 Special Education and 120 Pupil Services) and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Director of Special Education and Pupil Services setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits-with EDAD 730 Administration and Supervision of Special Education and Pupil Services, EDAD 832 Special Education Law, and EDAD 741 Conflict Resolution and Mediation as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 734, EDAD 735, EDAD 736, EDAD 737 for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course.
EDAD 736 Practicum- Director of Special Education 1.50
Year-long minimum 320-hour administrative field experience and seminar (i.e. 200 Special Education and 120 Pupil Services) and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Director of Special Education and Pupil Services setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits-with EDAD 730 Administration and Supervision of Special Education and Pupil Services, EDAD 832 Special Education Law, and EDAD 741 Conflict Resolution and Mediation as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 734, EDAD 735, EDAD 736, EDAD 737 for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course.
For any subsequent licensure, students are required to take EDAD 736 and EDAD 737 for licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course. These would be taken after completion of the initial licensure requirements of a previous UW-Superior EDAD program.
EDAD 737 Practicum- Director of Special Education 1.50
Yearlong minimum 320-hour administrative field experience and seminar (i.e. 200 Special Education and 120 Pupil Services) and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a grades PK-12 Director of Special Education and Pupil Services setting. Prerequisites: Completion of nine EDAD credits- with EDAD 730-Administration and Supervision of Special Education and Pupil Services, EDAD 832-Special Education Law, and EDAD 741-Conflict Resolution and Mediation as nine of the nine credits. (Passing each course with a C or better). Must take EDAD 734, EDAD 735, EDAD 736, EDAD 737 for degree and licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course.
For any subsequent licensure, students are required to take EDAD 736 and EDAD 737 for licensure requirements in order and with a passing grade for each course before enrolling into the next practicum course. These would be taken after completion of the initial licensure requirements of a previous UW-Superior EDAD program.
EDAD 739 Directed Study - Administration of Diverse Community Interests 1.00-3.00
Directed study by the graduate faculty member to the graduate student in the Administration of Diverse Community Interests contexts of Educational Administration.
EDAD 741 Conflict Resolution and Mediation in K-12 Educational Settings 3.00
Study in the understanding of conflict and handling such in the educational setting. Recognition of the role of communication to express conflict and knowledge of resolution techniques, different approaches to negotiations and basic mediation skills for administrators in the K-12 setting. Also explores the phenomena of school violence and means to respond.
EDAD 749 Directed Study-Ethical Manner in Educational Administration 1.00-3.00
Directed study by the graduate faculty member to the graduate student in the ethical manner contexts of Educational Administration.
EDAD 750 School Law 3.00
Study of the legal framework within which school district employees must operate. Emphasis on laws and sources of laws which affect students and instruction.
EDAD 759 Directed Study-Political, Social, and Economic Contexts of Educational Administration 1.00-3.00
Directed study by the graduate faculty member to the graduate student in the political, social, and economic contexts of educational administration.
EDAD 761 Practicum - School Business Administration 1.50
Year-long minimum 320-hour administrative field experience and seminar (four 1.5 credit modules for a total of 6 credits) in a School Business Administration setting. Prerequisite: Completion of nine EDAD credits.
EDAD 809 Externship-Administrative Vision of Learning 1.00-3.00
Professional development seminar designed for the practicing school administrator. Emphasis on synthesizing the theory, research and wisdoms of practice of educational administration as related to challenges of practicing school administration to ISLLC Standard #1. Pass-Fail. Enrollment limited to practicing educational administrators. Topics: Administrative Vision of Learning ISLLC #1, Wisconsin State Standard 2.
EDAD 810 School Human Resources 3.00
Comprehensive study of K-12 instructional and non-instructional personnel planning, information management, recruitment, selection, induction, appraisal, staff development, compensation, continuity of service, collective bargaining, grievance procedures and employee contract administration.
EDAD 819 Externship-Administration of Student Learning and Staff Growth 1.00-3.00
Professional development seminar designed for the practicing school administrator. Emphasis on synthesizing the theory, research and wisdoms of practice of educational administration as related to challenges of practicing school administration to ISLLC Standard #2. Pass-Fail. Enrollment limited to emerging and practicing educational administrators. Topics: Administration of Student Learning and Staff Growth, ISLLC #2, Wisconsin State Standard 3.
EDAD 820 The Superintendency 3.00
Study of the role and responsibilities of the school superintendent with emphasis on the job competency needed for that leadership role. Topics focus on school improvement through organizational and instructional leadership, assessment and long-range planning, political theory and skills, crisis management, and careful allocation of district resources.
EDAD 821 Data Management 3.00
Designed for school business personnel pursuing a graduate degree in school business administration. Subject matter will include building files, updating file content, information retrieval and analyses of data associated with school operations.
EDAD 823 Education Budget and Accounting 3.00
Designed for school business personnel pursuing a graduate degree in school business administration. Focuses on design and application of budgeting and accounting procedures such as coding transactions, designing balance sheets, journals and ledgers using spreadsheet programs.
EDAD 824 Educational Program Planning and Evaluation 3.00
Advanced-level study of theory and research/practice in association with the organization and operation of public schools. Emphasis on self-analysis of supervisory-administrative style as it relates to the process of supervision involved in performance tasks. Additional focus on program planning and evaluation as related to theory and research/practice in public schools.
EDAD 825 Facilities Planning and Utilization 3.00
Study of the principles, techniques, and procedures used in planning of educational facilities in K-12 systems. Emphasis on the assessment of needs, involvement in the planning process, development of educational specifications, long-range planning and financing. Risk management and insurance issues are covered within the knowledge base.
EDAD 829 Externship-Administration of Organization, Operations and Resources 1.00-3.00
Professional development seminar designed for the practicing school administrator. Emphasis on synthesizing the theory, research and wisdoms of practice of educational administration as related to challenges of practicing school administration to ISLLC Standard #3. Pass-Fail. Enrollment limited to practicing educational administrators. Topics: ISLLC Standard #3.
EDAD 830 Diverse School Community Relations 3.00
Study of the administrative responsibility for successful diverse community relations with emphasis on the process, principles, channels, opinion sampling and evolving concepts of communication. A program will be developed including policy, objectives, defining publics, determining media, timing and feedback.
EDAD 832 Special Education Law 3.00
Study of the legal aspects of educating disabled learners under Section 504, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and No Child Left Behind.
EDAD 839 Externship-Administration of Diverse Community Interests 1.00-3.00
Professional development seminar designed for the practicing school administrator. Emphasis on synthesizing the theory, research and wisdoms of practice of educational administration as related to challenges of practicing school administration to ISLLC Standard #4. Pass-Fail. Enrollment limited to practicing educational administrators. Topics: ISLLC Standard #4.
EDAD 842 Professional Ethics for School Administrators 3.00
Selected theories and research relating to individual and group behaviors in K-12 educational organizations with emphasis on ethics in public life among professionals, leaders and citizens. Particular emphasis given to political, cultural, business, computer and legal ethics for school leaders.
EDAD 849 Externship-Ethical Manner in Educational Administration 1.00-3.00
Professional development seminar designed for the practicing school administrator. Emphasis on synthesizing the theory, research and wisdoms of practice of educational administration as related to challenges of practicing school administration to ISLLC Standard #5. Pass-Fail. Enrollment limited to practicing educational administrators.
EDAD 850 School Finance and Resource Allocation 3.00
Study of the theory and practice of school finance at the local, state, and national levels. Emphasis on the economics of education, public finance, and taxation.
EDAD 851 Educational Policy Development 3.00
Examines the governance structure of education. Focuses on the roles of various stakeholders and special interests in the structure and the emergence of new policies and initiatives in educational administration.
EDAD 854 Advanced Budgeting 3.00
Theory and practice of advanced budgeting at the local school district level. Emphasis on the meritorious techniques and standards of excellence in budget development and presentation.
EDAD 859 Externship-Political, Social and Economic Contexts of Educational Administration 1.00-3.00
Professional development seminar designed for the practicing school administrator. Emphasis on synthesizing the theory, research and wisdoms of practice of educational administration as related to challenges of practicing school administration to ISLLC Standard #6. Pass-Fail. Enrollment limited to practicing educational administrators.
EDAD 863 Internship: Superintendency 1.50
A minimum 90-hour administrative internship in a PK-12 superintendency. Prerequisite: Admission to Special Degree Program, completion of nine semester credits in Educational Administration. This course is graded as Pass/Fail. Must take both EDAD 863 and EDAD 864 for degree and licensure requirements.
EDAD 864 Internship: Superintendency 1.50
A minimum 90 hour administrative internship in a PK-12 superintendency. Prerequisites: Admission to Specialist Degree Program, completion of nine semester credits in Educational Administration. This course is graded a Pass/Fail. Must take both EDAD 863 and EDAD 864 for degree and licensure requirements.
EDAD 865 Statistical Methods Research 3.00
Study of statistical design and methodology used in educational research with emphasis given to understandings of appropriate application of statistical tests to educational data. The student studies application of skills developed in basic statistics. Emphasis on the understanding, planning, and execution of statistical studies, descriptive and inferential in approach. Study is conducted with a computer-oriented approach.
EDAD 866 Advanced Administrative Analysis 3.00
Scholarly work requirement provides the post-graduate student an opportunity to conduct action research in an educational administration related project. The action research and scholarly paper development is completed under the direction of the student's advisor. Guidelines for action research and the subsequent paper are available from the advisor.