Academic Catalog

Visual Arts

Mission Statement

The Visual Arts Department at the University of Wisconsin-Superior prepares students to be innovative, reflective, articulate and ethical professionals. Students develop technical and relational competence, informed aesthetic discernment, and a contextual understanding of contemporary practices with a commitment to diversity.

Faculty and Staff

For the current faculty and staff listing, please visit the Department website.

Course Descriptions


ART 403  Design Topics III  3.00  
An advanced focused exploration of fine arts beyond core practices including glass, stained glass, artists' books, non-static art, installation, and others.
    Prerequisite for taking this course is completion of ART 303
Typically Offered:
  • On-campus: Fall & Spring;
ART 603  Design Topics III  3.00  
An advanced focused exploration of fine arts beyond core practices including glass, stained glass, artists' books, non-static art, installation, and others.
Typically Offered:
  • On-campus: Fall & Spring;
ART 698  Practicum  1.00-7.00  
Supervised experience providing practical application in specific disciplines. Integration of the competencies of the individualized focus in contract form.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 702  Art Therapy Seminar  3.00  
Investigation into topics of diagnosis and treatment in mental health. This course explores major categories of mental illness using the DSM, and the therapeutic methods that may be used for various disorders. Current research will be discussed.
    Prerequisite: Art Therapy Graduate or instructor consent.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall Term Every Other Year
ART 704  Issues in Visual Arts  3.00  
Advanced study of theoretical frameworks, concepts, contents, and contexts of visual arts. Topic will vary from the spirituality and the sacred in art, psychology and philosophy of art, primitivism in contemporary/modern art, cultural politics in art, feminism in art, science and technology in art, among others.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall Term Only
ART 705  Graduate Drawing  3.00  
Advanced studies in drawing. Individual development emphasized.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 710  Graduate Painting  3.00  
Advanced studies in painting.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 711  Graduate Collage  3.00  
Advanced studies exploring the theory and practice of mixed media approaches to drawing and painting.
Typically Offered:
  • Spring Term Only
ART 713  Ethical Considerations in Art Therapy  3.00  
This course provides an overview to the ethics and professional values that correspond to the practice of art therapy. Practical applications pertaining to matters of diversity, social justice and the use of technology will be addressed. This course also focuses on the awareness of one's own cultural history and the role that background plays in personal perceptions and world views. Through readings, examination of case studies, digital media and experiential approaches, students will gain an understanding of the legal and ethical issues involved in the practice of art therapy.
    Prerequisite: Art Therapy Graduate or instructor consent.
Typically Offered:
  • Spring Term Only
ART 719  Multi-Modal Art Therapy  3.00  
An exploration of Multi-Modal healing techniques and their application in Art Therapy, Drama, Music, Poetry, and Play Therapy will be studied scholastically and experientially. Professionals in the field as well as varied techniques will be introduced.
    Prerequisite: Art Therapy Graduate or instructor consent.
Typically Offered:
  • Spring Term Every Other Year
ART 720  Studies in American Art  3.00  
American art of the Colonial, 19th or 20th Century period including sculpture, architecture and painting.
Typically Offered:
  • Occasional by Demand
ART 721  Mediterranean  3.00  
Architecture, sculpture, craft, and painting of the Mediterranean and Near East cultures to include any one or combination of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome or early Christian/Byzantine.
Typically Offered:
  • Occasional by Demand
ART 723  Medieval Art  3.00  
a) Early Christian and Byzantine; b) Medieval; c) Romanesque; d) Gothic: A detailed investigation of the art of the Middle Ages.
Typically Offered:
  • Occasional by Demand
ART 724  Visual Arts in Non-Western Societies  3.00  
Study of visual arts in non-western societies including North American Indian/Native American; Mesoamerican; Oceania/Pacific Islands, Asian, and African cultures.
Typically Offered:
  • Spring Term Only
ART 727  Modern Art  3.00  
Nineteenth Century, 20th Century, Contemporary or Post-Modern Art and architecture and the forces which influenced the period. Research required.
Typically Offered:
  • Spring Term Only
ART 729  Women in Art  3.00  
Women's expression in painting and sculpture, primarily of the 19th and 20th Centuries.
Typically Offered:
  • Occasional by Demand
ART 730  Readings In Art History  3.00  
Guided individual research on an approved topic.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 732  African and African Diaspora Art History  3.00  
A survey of art created by people of African descent. Also discussed are some influences of Islam, Western Europe, and the Caribbean regions.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall Term Only
ART 735  Research In Art Therapy  3.00  
An introduction to research methods used in art therapy with an emphasis on qualitative research design. Students will work on the formulation of research questions and develop a thesis proposal.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 740  Graduate Printmaking  3.00  
Advanced studies in printmaking.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 741  Graduate Photography 2  3.00  
Advanced studies in photography. Emphasizes concept and process resolution by defining a specific direction through a cohesive body of photographs. Students have the option of working in film or digital.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 745  Exploring Stigma: Verbal and Visual Narratives  3.00  
Social stigma exists. It may be associated with perceptions toward mental illness, socioeconomic status, race, gender identity, body image, and HIV/AIDS. Stories help humanize issues and are invaluable as educational and awareness-raising tools. Students will examine the existence of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination, and discover through art therapy-based approaches, how narratives play a role in social justice and in eliminating stigma.
    Prerequisite: Art Therapy Graduate or instructor consent.
Typically Offered:
  • Spring Term Only
ART 750  Psychology of Art  3.00  
Art as a fundamental human activity on an individual and societal level. Studies theories of creativity and issues of cultural and social diversity as applicable to art therapy.
    Prerequisite: Art Therapy Graduate or instructor consent.
Typically Offered:
  • Spring Term Every Other Year
ART 760  Graduate Sculpture  3.00  
Advanced studies in sculpture.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall Term Only
ART 770  Graduate Ceramics  3.00  
Individualized studio problems in ceramics. Work at this level is expected to be specialized and without major technical problems.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 775  Graduate Metalwork  3.00  
Advanced in nonferrous metalwork.
Typically Offered:
  • Spring Term Only
ART 779  Graduate Fibers  3.00  
Topic: Loom Weaving - Individually designed series of experiences using the loom in interlocking fibers. Problems planned in consultation with instructor. Topic: Off-Loom Fibers - Advanced problems in primary structures should include research of primitive expression, materials and techniques.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 783  Art Therapy Fundamentals  3.00  
Survey of the origins, history, and theoretical objectives and trends in art therapy. Ethical, legal issues and standards of good practice will be covered.
    Prerequisite: Art Therapy Graduate or instructor consent.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall Term Only
ART 784  Development of Creative Functioning  3.00  
The study of the creative individual; exploration of research related to creativity; techniques for promoting creative thinking and problem-solving in educational, clinical and business environments.
    Prerequisite: Art Therapy Graduate or instructor consent.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall Term Only
ART 785  Art Therapy Techniques  3.00  
Theoretical approaches and techniques used in art therapy will be studied. Students will also learn to develop and apply art therapy assessments.
    Prerequisite: Art Therapy Graduate or instructor consent.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall Term Only
ART 789  ART Elective  1.00-99.00  
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-Superior course.
ART 795  Independent Study  1.00-5.00  
Graduate art students work independently under guidance of an instructor. Students submit a proposal of study during the first week of the course.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 797  Art Field Study  1.00-3.00  
By special arrangement and permission of the department, a student may enroll for the off-campus study of a problem in art. Documentation required.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 798  Practicum  1.00-7.00  
Supervised experience providing practical application in specific disciplines. Integration of the competencies of the individualized focus in contract form.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms
ART 799  Graduate Terminal Project in Art Therapy  1.00-3.00  
Students will complete a thesis project, which integrates their acquired theoretical knowledge, clinical internship experiences and applied critical thinking. This is a self-directed course for students who have been approved to pursue a Master’s Terminal Project. Course provides a structured format for completion of the Master’s Project under the advisement of an instructor.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms

Art Education 

Contact Information

Visual Arts Department
University of Wisconsin - Superior
Holden Fine and Applied Arts Center 3101
Belknap and Catlin Ave.
P.O. Box 2000
Superior, WI 54880
Phone: 715-394-8391