Academic Catalog

Visual Arts

Mission Statement

The Visual Arts Department at the University of Wisconsin-Superior prepares students to be innovative, reflective, articulate and ethical professionals. Students develop technical and relational competence, informed aesthetic discernment, and a contextual understanding of contemporary practices with a commitment to diversity.

Faculty and Staff

For the current faculty and staff listing, please visit the Department website.

Course Descriptions


ART 403  Design Topics III  3.00  
An advanced focused exploration of fine arts beyond core practices including glass, stained glass, artists' books, non-static art, installation, and others.
    Prerequisite for taking this course is completion of ART 303
Typically Offered:
  • On-campus: Fall & Spring;
ART 603  Design Topics III  3.00  
An advanced focused exploration of fine arts beyond core practices including glass, stained glass, artists' books, non-static art, installation, and others.
Typically Offered:
  • On-campus: Fall & Spring;
ART 798  Practicum  1.00-7.00  
Supervised experience providing practical application in specific disciplines. Integration of the competencies of the individualized focus in contract form.
Typically Offered:
  • Fall and Spring Terms

Art Education 

Contact Information

Visual Arts Department
University of Wisconsin - Superior
Holden Fine and Applied Arts Center 3101
Belknap and Catlin Ave.
P.O. Box 2000
Superior, WI 54880
Phone: 715-394-8391