Health and Human Performance
Mission Statement
The mission of the Health and Human Performance Department is to provide students with a knowledge base, creating a positive attitude and lifelong skills in the seven dimensions of wellness: physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, career, social and environmental (i.e. personal health) as part of the liberal arts educational foundation. Programs in the Health and Human Performance Department seek to serve all students in a caring educational environment toward liberal arts studies in physical education and health and/or pre-professional studies as physical education, health, early childhood, and special education teachers or non-teaching allied health professionals.
Faculty and Staff
Geidner, James - Professor
LaRue, Amy - Assistant Professor
Lebard-Rankila, Kim - Associate Professor
Lisdahl, Robin - Academic Department Associate
Course Descriptions
- Prerequisite for taking this course is Sophomore standing.
- On-campus: Fall & Spring;
- Prerequisite for taking this course is Sophomore standing.
- On-Campus: Fall
- Online: Spring
Health and Human Performance
- Prerequisite for HHP 321 student must be at Junior standing, Admissions to T ED for education licensure students, or Instructor Consent.
- On-campus: Spring;
- Fall Term Only
- Prerequisite for taking this course is Junior standing, and completion of 20 credits in major area.
- On-campus: Fall & Spring
- Online: Fall
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Spring Term Only
- On-Campus: Fall
- Online: Spring
- Spring Term Only
- On-campus: Fall & Spring
- Online: Fall & Spring
- On-campus: Fall & Spring
- Online: Fall & Spring
- Spring Term Only
- Corequisite for taking this course is enrollment in HHP 421, Instructor Consent required.
- On-Campus: Fall;
- Spring Term Only
- On-campus: Spring;
- Fall Term Only
- Prerequisite for taking this course is Junior class standing in HHP major.
- On-Campus: Fall;
- Spring Term Only
- Fall Term Only
- Prerequisite for taking this course is completion of HHP 363 (can be concurrent).
- Fall Term Only
- Fall Term Only
- Occasional by Demand
- Occasional by Demand
- Junior Class Standing is a prerequisite for taking this course.
- On-campus: Fall & Spring
- Online: Fall, Spring, & Summer
- Fall and Spring Terms
- On-campus: Fall & Spring
- Online: Fall, Spring, & Summer
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Fall and Spring Terms
- On-campus: Fall & Spring
- Online: Fall, Spring, & Summer
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Occasional by Demand
- Occasional by Demand
- On-campus: Fall & Spring
- Online: Fall, Spring, & Summer
- Fall and Spring Terms
- On-campus: Spring
- Online: Fall
- Spring Term Only
- Spring Term Only
Contact Information
Health and Human Performance Department
University of Wisconsin - Superior
Marcovich Wellness Center 1402
Belknap and Catlin Ave.
P.O. Box 2000
Superior, WI 54880
Phone: 715-395-4673