School of Business and Economics
Mission Statement
The School of Business and Economics works toward developing effective decision-makers and leaders in both the private and public sectors through a strong practical business education as well as a comprehensive liberal arts education. Academic programs instill excellence, build confidence, and develop strong leadership skills that graduates can use throughout their careers.
Faculty and Staff
Christensen, Ethan - Assistant Professor
Mahjabeen, Rubana - Associate Professor
Mahmud, Sakib - Associate Professor
Starik, Mark - Adjunct Professor
Course Descriptions
Data Science
- Online: Fall & Spring
- Successful completion of DS 701 and Admissions to M.S. in Data Science program
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in Data Science program
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Online: Fall & Spring
- Successful completion of DS 710 and declared Data Science Major
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Successful completion of DS 740 and Admission to the M.S. Data Science program
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Online: Fall & Spring
- Online: Fall & Spring
- Online: Fall & Spring
Health & Wellness Management
- Admission to MS in Health and Wellness Program
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to MS in Health and Wellness Program
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to MS in Health and Wellness Program
- Admission to MS in Health and Wellness Program
- Admission to MS in Health and Wellness Program
- Online: Fall & Spring
- Admission to MS in Health and Wellness Program
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to MS in Health and Wellness Program
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to MS in Health and Wellness Program
- Admission to MS in Health and Wellness Program
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to MS in Health and Wellness Program
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Prerequisite for enrolling in HWM 787 is completion of 18 credits or MS HWM Director consent
- Online: Fall or Spring, Summer
- Fall and Spring Terms
Sustainable Management
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Spring Term Only
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Fall and Spring Terms
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Occasional by Demand
- Admission to M.S. in SMGT Program.
- Occasional by Demand
Contact Information
School of Business and Economics
University of Wisconsin - Superior
Erlanson Hall 301
Belknap and Catlin Ave.
P.O. Box 2000
Superior, WI 54880
Phone: 715-394-8206