Academic Catalog

Sustainable Management (SMGT)

SMGT 115  Environmental Science and Sustainability  3.00  
Overview of the interrelationships between humans and the environment. The first third of the course focuses on important ecological concepts. The remainder deals with human influence on the environment and sustainable practices to avoid or ameliorate the negative impacts. The ecological concepts are used throughout to identify, understand, and provide a basis for proposing possible solutions to contemporary environmental problems. Overall, the course provides students with a better understanding of how humans can more positively affect the environment in which they live. No Pass-Fail.
    Admission to the Sustainable Management major, or consent of the Program Advisor, and on a space-available basis.
SMGT 220  Systems Thinking  3.00  
In this course students will use systems thinking to apply the concept of sustainability in various business, social, and scientific contexts. Rather than looking at problems by analyzing their component parts, students will learn to analyze whole systems. Students then model the relationships and behaviors to identify leverage points for change. No Pass-Fail.
SMGT 230  Triple Bottom Line Accounting for Managers  3.00  
Introduction to the discipline of financial and managerial accounting and how this information is used. Students gain a basic knowledge of the preparation of financial statements and their analytical use. Further, students will explore how this accounting information is applied by managers in the decision-making process, helping organizations meet the triple bottom line (strong profits, healthy environment, and vital communities). No Pass-Fail.
    College Math (MATH 112 or equivalent) and admission to the Sustainable Management Major, or consent of the Program Advisor, and on a space-available basis.
SMGT 235  Economics in Society and Sustainability  3.00  
General introductory course highlighting economic, social, and environmental issues facing society. In addition to covering traditional issues such as markets and prices (microeconomics), government economic management (macroeconomics), and international trade, it introduces economic content into the analysis of selected topics such as poverty and discrimination, the environment, and the provision of government services. Critiques of conventional economic thought, within the context of systems thinking and ecological economics, are integrated throughout the course. No Pass-Fail.
    College Math (MATH 112 or equivalent) and admission to the Sustainable Management Major, or consent of the Program Advisor, and on a space-available basis.
SMGT 240  Business Communication for Sustainable Management  3.00  
Interdisciplinary professional and technical communication course that applies knowledge of sustainability principles and develops rhetorical skills for a variety of audiences in social, economic, and environmental contexts.
SMGT 250  Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security  3.00  
This course offers an in-depth assessment of the economic, social, and environmental considerations of production agricultural systems that provide safe, reliable, and affordable food supplies for a growing human population. In addition to the maintenance of the economic viability of production agricultural systems, course topics will focus on: the maintenance of soil, water, and air resources; addressing issues of biodiversity loss; and, maintenance of rural community character and economies. Economic, regulatory, and public entity tools that promote sustainability in production agriculture will also be addressed.
    SMGT 115 is a pre-requisite for taking this course.
SMGT 305  Climate Change and Sustainability  3.00  
This course focuses on climate change science and greenhouse gases, natural and human impacts of climate change, and sustainable and efficient strategies to limit carbon emissions. The course is divided into three major areas: 1) climate science and measured impacts, 2) modelled predictions and mitigation/adaptation strategies, 3) sustainable and carbon neutral practices. This course will emphasize not only the economics of carbon budgeting and increasing efficiency but also the human role in creating and solving climate change and the discrepancies in who, where, and what will be impacted by both climate change and the necessary solutions.
    MATH 112 or equivalent and admission to Sustainable Management Major or consent of the Program Advisor.
SMGT 310  Ecology and Sustainability  3.00  
Interrelationships of organisms with each other and their environments. Investigation into composition and dynamics of populations, communities, ecosystems, landscapes, and the biosphere with emphasis on sustainability. Online only. No Pass-Fail.
    BIOL 123 or equivalent, or consent of the Program Advisor, and on a space-available basis.
SMGT 320  Renewable Energy for Sustainable Management  3.00  
In this course we will discuss the issue of sustainability as it relates to the world's increasing use of energy, considering the potential harm done via greenhouse gases released from burning fossil fuels and the prospects for large-scale implementation of more benign sources such as the sun, geothermal, wind, and water. You will learn about basic engineering principles and applications for existing and emerging energy technologies, energy production, consumption, and environmental impact, and explore the ways in which these principles relate to sustainable management.
    College Math (MATH 112 or equivalent) and admission to the Sustainable Management Major, or Program Advisor permission, and on a space-available basis.
SMGT 325  Natural Resource Management  3.00  
Examines the interdependence between natural resources associated with land, air, and water. Explores significant environmental issues regarding the policies and problems in the use and management of natural resources related to soils, vegetation, landscape within the context of social needs and sustainability. No Pass-Fail.
SMGT 330  Marketing for a Sustainable World  3.00  
Analysis of an organization's opportunities to develop sustainability practices as they relate to the development of product, pricing, supply and distribution channels (retail, wholesale), promotion (advertising, sales promotion, public relations), target markets and reporting methodologies.
SMGT 332  Economics of Environmental Sustainability  3.00  
The course provides an examination of the interaction between market activity and the environment as well as the use of economic decision making to manage the environment. Applies economic analysis to the efficient and sustainable management of environmental goods and resources. Examines how economic institutions and policies can be changed to bring the environmental impacts of economic decision-making more into balance with human desires and the needs of the ecosystem. Introduction to the theory, methods, and application of sustainable organizational finance.
    SMGT 235, and admission to the Sustainable Management Major; or permission of the program advisor. Offered on a space-available basis
SMGT 335  Management and Environmental Information Systems  3.00  
This course presents an overview different technologies and information systems used in modern organizations. It covers various information systems for analyzing organizational data and processes. It presents tools for managing projects, promoting collaboration, and teamwork in the workplace. This course provides students hands-on experience with the information systems and technology tools. It also covers technologies that promote sustainability and includes topics such as green computing and low-carbon technologies.
    Successful completion of SMGT 230 and admission to the School of Business and Economics re pre-requisites for taking this course.
SMGT 340  Organizational Behavior and Sustainability  3.00  
Management principles and theories underlying human behavior in organizations are investigated. Topics include personality, motivation, communication, decision-making, leadership, teamwork, ethics, power, diversity, and work stress. Constraints and opportunities of an "eco" friendly organization are realized. No Pass-Fail.
    COMM 110 (or its equivalent), admission to the Sustainable Management Major, or have consent of the Program Advisor, on space-available basis.
SMGT 360  Environmental and Sustainability Policy  3.00  
Topics include the spectrum of historical, theoretical and technical issues applicable to sustainable management of natural resources, environmental quality standards and risk management. Identifies administrative structures that form the basis for selecting appropriate responses to complex management problems faced by industry, government and non-governmental agencies. The historical development and current framework of public policy are investigated and specific foundational legislation is critiqued. No Pass-Fail.
    SMGT 115 and admission to the Sustainable Management Major, or consent of Program Advisor, on a space-available basis.
SMGT 370  Logistics, Supply Chain Management, and Sustainability  3.00  
Introduction to the concepts, functions, processes, and objectives of logistics and supply chain management activities. Covers activities that are involved in physically moving raw materials, inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of use or consumption. Covers the planning, organizing, and controlling of such activities, and examines the role of supply chain processes in creating sustainable competitive advantage with respect to quality, flexibility, lead-time, and cost. Topics include customer service, inventory management, transportation, warehousing, supply chain management, reverse logistics, green supply chains and international logistics. Prior knowledge in Excel spreadsheet applications is recommended. No Pass-Fail.
    Admission to the Sustainable Management Major, or consent of the Program Advisor, on a space-available basis.
SMGT 410  Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability  3.00  
This course will enable students to understand the rationale behind CSR and sustainability. This course takes students through an evaluation of risks and potential impacts in decision making, enabling them to recognize the links between the success of an organization and the well-being of a community/society. Methods and standards of integrating CSR throughout an organization, creating metrics and communicating CSR policies internally and externally will be discussed and analyzed. Students will develop an understanding of best practices of CSR in its entire breadth within an organization as well as delve into economic structures designed to foster more responsibility and accountability.
SMGT 420  The Built Environment and Sustainability  3.00  
This course addresses the impacts of the human-built environment on natural systems and opportunities available to mitigate them through thoughtful planning, design, and implementation techniques to provide desirable, affordable, and sustainable living and working spaces. Topics focus on providing critical infrastructure for economic development, housing, transportation, and utilities while protecting and enhancing environmental assets through effective site and building design, public input, and use of regulatory tools. Additional attention is given to the maintenance of community character and the economic and social interdependence of rural, exurban, suburban, and urban areas.
SMGT 430  International Management for a Sustainable World  3.00  
Analysis of the theory and practice of managing international organizations. Includes sociocultural aspects and group dynamics of international business and service organizations through the study of sustainable management practices. Implementation of a triple bottom line solution to organizational problems will be emphasized. No Pass-Fail.
    SMGT 235 and admission to the Sustainable Management Major, or consent of the Program Advisor, and on a space-available basis.
SMGT 435  International Development and Sustainability  3.00  
This course examines the international sustainability concerns. It explores interrelationships of sustainable management practices with population growth, health, food security, poverty, inequality, urbanization, international trade, technology and environmental change at local, regional, and global levels. Contemporary issues and alternatives will be explored to identify sustainable management practices that can lead to strong profitability, healthy environments, and vibrant communities.
    SMGT 235, and admission to the Sustainable Management Major; or permission of the program advisor. Offered on a space-available basis
SMGT 460  Environment and Society  3.00  
Introduce the fundamentals of human-environmental interaction; a grasp of how these interactions create problems; and how the elements of social, technological, and personal choices combine to overcome them. No Pass-Fail.
    SMGT 115 and admission to the Sustainable Management Major, or consent of the Program Advisor, and on a space-available basis.
SMGT 494  Sustainable Management Capstone Orientation  0.00  
This is a program administered zero-credit Quiz examination to determine a student's eligibility to pursue SMGT 495 (Sustainable Management Capstone) course. The students are automatically enrolled in the course once they have competed at least ten (10) SMGT courses as 200-400 levels. Pass-Fail grading
SMGT 495  Sustainable Management Capstone  3.00  
The capstone course provides students with the opportunity to apply what they've learned and gain hands-on experience in the real world. Each student will help a real organization solve an existing sustainability problem by implementing practical knowledge to achieve a triple-bottom-line solution. Projects may focus on issues such as supply chain structures, energy efficiencies, or environmental and climate concerns. The instructor will serve as a guide throughout the experience.
    Senior standing, advisor consent and must be admitted to SMGT major, or have program advisor consent, on a space-available basis.