English (ENGL)
ENGL 189 English elective 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 191 Introduction to the English Major 1.00
Introductory experience of the English/Broad Field Language Arts/English Secondary Education major or minor. Includes career readiness and exploration elements.
- Must Declare English/English Education as major/minor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring;
ENGL 211 British Literature I 3.00
Survey of principal British writers from the early medieval to 1789
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - Literature
Typically Offered:
- Fall Term Only
ENGL 212 British Literature II 3.00
Survey of principal British writers from 1789 to the present.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - Literature
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring, Even Years
- Online: Spring, Odd Years
ENGL 218 Nonfiction Literature and Literacy 3.00
Critical analysis and response to the structure and content of historic and contemporary nonfiction works in a variety of genres, including humorous writings, essays, speeches, professional articles, and memoirs.
Typically offered: On-Campus Spring-even years, Online Spring-odd years
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - Literature
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring, Even Years
- Online: Spring, Odd Years
ENGL 221 American Literature I 3.00
Survey of principal American writers from the Colonial Period through the mid-19th Century.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - Literature
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 222 American Literature II 3.00
Survey of principal American writers from the mid-19th century to the present.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - Literature
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 228 Multi-Ethnic American Literature 3.00
Survey of a variety of multi-ethnic American literatures, including Native American, African-American, Latinx, Chicanx, Asian American, and various European-American writings starting with the oral traditions up to the twenty-first century.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
- UST: Humanities - Literature
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall
- Online: Fall & Spring
ENGL 229 Literature by Women 3.00
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
- UST: Humanities - Literature
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring
- Online: Fall & Spring
ENGL 241 World Literature I 3.00
Survey of selected literary works in translation from the Ancient World through the mid-17th Century. Includes works from the Western and non-Western world.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Global Awareness
- UST: Humanities - Literature
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall
- Online: Fall
ENGL 242 World Literature II 3.00
Survey of selected literary works in translation from the late 17th Century to the twenty-first century. Includes works from the Western and non-Western world.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Global Awareness
- UST: Humanities - Literature
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring
- Online: Spring
ENGL 289 English Elective 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 289DV English Elective Diversity 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 289ES English Elective Environmental Studies 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- Natural Sciences - Environmental
ENGL 289GA English Elective Global Awareness 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Global Awareness
ENGL 289HL English Elective Humanities Literature 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 289W English Elective Western 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 289W1 English Elective Writing 1 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 289W2 English Elective Writing 2 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 289WC English Elective World Language, Culture & Philosophy 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - WLCP
Typically Offered:
- Every Fall and Odd Spring Term
ENGL 311 Shakespeare I 3.00
Study of sonnets and representative comedies, histories and tragedies. This course will use an intersectional lens to investigate the role of Shakespeare in his own time and our own time.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters;
ENGL 321 Pre-1900 American Novels 3.00
Survey of American novels up to 1900. May focus on a particular theme or subgenre.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 322 Post-1900 American Novels 3.00
Survey of American novels from 1900 to present. May focus on a particular theme or subgenre.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 326 Major Author 3.00
Study of selected writings of a major literary figure or figures. May be repeated for credit with different author or pair of authors.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 328 Multi-Ethnic American Novels 3.00
Study of novels by contemporary multi-ethnic American writers.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 331 British Literary Periods 3.00
Study of British poetry, prose, and the literary developments in a specific British literary period. May be repeated for credit with different content.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 332 American Literary Periods 3.00
Study of American poetry, prose, and the literary developments in a specific American literary period. May be repeated for credit with different content.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 345 Gender and Sexuality in Literature 3.00
Study of gender and sexuality in literature. Time period, genres, and author selections vary by instructor. This course is cross-listed with GST 345.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 352 Special Topic: Medieval Literature and Culture 3.00
Studies in medieval British literature and culture from 500 to 1500. Topics may include Arthurian literature, literature by women, religious texts, or Chaucer.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring, Odd Years
- Online: Fall, Even Years
ENGL 362 Special Topic: Early Modern Literature and Culture 3.00
Studies in early modern British literature and culture from 1500 to 1750. Topics may include Early Modern drama, literature by women, John Milton, or Edmund Spenser.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Fall, Odd Years
- Online: Spring, Odd Years
ENGL 368 Short Story I (Pre 1945) 3.00
Study of the genre of the historic short story to 1945.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 369 Short Story II (Post 1945) 3.00
Study of the genre of the contemporary short story after 1945.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 389 English Elective 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 403 19th Century British Women Novelists 3.00
Study of writings of six major women novelists in Great Britain during the Romantic and Victorian Ages: Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte; and George Eliot.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 405 History of the English Language 3.00
Development of English from 449 A.D. to the present.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- Spring Term Every Other Year
ENGL 409 Age of Pope, Swift, Gay 3.00
Study of the literature of the Scriblerus Club: Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, and John Gay through an intersectional feminist lens that puts these writers in dialogue with women writers and writers of the Black Atlantic.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 419 The Rise of the Novel 3.00
Study of the history and theory of the emergent novel genre as it developed in eighteenth-century Britain.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 426 Popular 20th Century Writers 3.00
Study of several popular American and/or British writers from 20th century in multiple genres.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 429 The British Romantic Period 3.00
Study of the literature produced in Great Britain during the Romantic period (approximately 1798-1832).
- Completion of 3 credits of ENGL courses.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 436 Hemingway's Artistry 3.00
Study of Hemingway's fiction through a consideration of his artistic vision.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 439 The Victorian Age 3.00
Study of the literature of the Victorian period in British Literature (1830s to 1800s).
- Completion of 3 credits of ENGL courses.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 446 Key American Modernist Writers 3.00
Study of the writings of three major American modernist writers: Crane, Anderson, O'Connor.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- Occasional by Demand
ENGL 449 Postcolonial Literature 3.00
Study of Anglophone postcolonial literature.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 456 Avant-Garde Literature 3.00
Study of the development of the Avant-Garde as a specific component of modern and postmodern literature.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 460 Special Topics in Literature 3.00
Studies in literary themes, genres, theories, or history. May be repeated for credit with different content.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 465 Modern American Poetry 3.00
The study of major writers and poetic movements in modern American poetry.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 466 Contemporary American Poetry 3.00
Study of major writers and poetic movements in contemporary American poetry.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters
- Online: Select Semesters
ENGL 479 Literary Criticism 3.00
Historical survey of literary theory. Discussion of classical and subsequent critical theories pertaining to the function, understanding, and appreciation of literature.
- Completion of 3 credits of English Literature or consent of the instructor.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring, Even Years
- Online: Spring, Even Years
ENGL 489 English Elective 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-Superior course.
ENGL 489DV English Elective Diversity 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 489ES English Elective Environmental Studies 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- Natural Sciences - Environmental
ENGL 489GA English Elective Global Awareness 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Global Awareness
ENGL 489HL English Elective Humanities Literature 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 489W1 English Elective Writing 1 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 489W2 English Elective Writing 2 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
ENGL 489WC English Elective World Language, Culture & Philosophy 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - WLCP
ENGL 491 Senior Capstone Experience 2.00
Required culminating senior year project. Students work closely with an English faculty member to further develop a research project initiated in a course from Category 4, 5, or 6 within the Major. The project will be presented in a public forum and will have both a written and an oral component.
- Prerequisite for taking this course is having completed 3 credits of 300 or 400 level English course.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters;
ENGL 498 Independent Study 1.00-6.00
Advanced study for students who have shown themselves capable of independent work, carried on under direction of a staff member chosen by the student with approval of the department chair. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
Typically Offered:
- Fall and Spring Terms