Academic Catalog

Environmental Science Major (Comprehensive)


63 total credits

Core Classes
ENSC 100Environmental Science2.00
BIOL 130Principles of Biology I4.00
BIOL 132Principles of Biology II4.00
CHEM 105General Chemistry I5.00
CHEM 106General Chemistry II4.00
GEOL 110The Dynamic Earth (or)4.00
Our Water Resources
MATH 113Algebra with Applications 13.00
ENSC 200People and the Environment: Challenges & Actions3.00
GEOG 241Fundamentals of GIS I4.00
BIOL 340Ecology and Evolutionary Biology4.00
ECON 335Ecological Economics 2,33.00
or SMGT 235 Economics in Society and Sustainability
ENSC 350Environmental Science Research Methods2.00
LSTU 303Environmental Law and Regulation3.00
Two Required Capstone Courses
Select one of the following:1.00-4.00
Research in Environmental Science
and Environmental Science Senior Experience Seminar
Internship in Environmental Science
and Environmental Science Senior Experience Seminar
Elective Classes
Select 15 credits of the following: 415.00
Biogeography and Conservation
Plant Taxonomy
Microbiology Laboratory
Invertebrate Biology
Vertebrate Biology
Ecology and Management of Forest Ecosystems
Field Biology
Quant Analysis Lecture
Quantitative Analysis Laboratory
Organic Chemistry Lecture I
Organic Chem Lecture II
Organic Chemistry Lab I
Organic Chemistry Lab II
Environmental Communication
Environmental Science Special Topics
Fundamentals of GIS II
Advanced Topics in Human/Environment Interaction
Advanced Principles of GIS
Environmental Ethics
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
Climate Change and Sustainability
Renewable Energy for Sustainable Management
Natural Resource Management
Environment and Society
Nature, Environmental, and Scientific Writing
Grant Writing
Total Hours61.00-64.00

MATH 115 Precalculus, MATH 151 Calculus for Business, Life, and Social Sciences, or MATH 240 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I may be completed in place of MATH 113 Algebra with Applications.


ECON 335 Ecological Economics has pre-requisite courses:  ECON 250 Principles of Microeconomics and ECON 251 Principles of Macroeconomics, or ECON 235 Economics in Society.


SMGT 235 Economics in Society and Sustainability is only offered online.  Online classes are charged separately from on-campus classes, and therefore they are not included in the 12-18 credit tuition plateau.


At least 15 credits from at least two disciplines (i.e., prefixes); 11 credits must be taken at the 300 level or higher