Academic Catalog

Biology Major


35 total Biology credits plus 9 chemistry credits

Required Biology Courses
BIOL 130Principles of Biology I4.00
BIOL 132Principles of Biology II4.00
BIOL 330Genetics4.00
BIOL 340Ecology and Evolutionary Biology4.00
BIOL 440Cell Biology4.00
BIOL 497Senior Year Experience1.00
Required Capstone Course
Select a minimum of one credit of the following:1.00
Senior Research
Elective Biology Courses
Select 13 credits of the following. One 400 level course (indicated by*) required. These courses are specifically designed to provide a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) to students.13.00
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Special Topics
Biogeography and Conservation
Medical Terminology
Plant Taxonomy
Vertebrate Biology
Invertebrate Biology
Cancer Biology
Neurobiology Lab *
Developmental Biology *
Molecular Pharmacology
Ecology and Management of Forest Ecosystems *
Field Biology *
Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Cell/Molecular Biology
Special Topics
Environmental Science Research Methods
Required Chemistry Courses
CHEM 105General Chemistry I5.00
CHEM 106General Chemistry II4.00
Total Hours44.00

Note:  BIOL 289 Biology Elective, BIOL 389 Biology Elective, BIOL 489 Biology Elective must be approved on a case by case basis.

One semester of calculus and a year of physics are recommended for students interested in graduate or professional school.