Social Work (SO W)
SO W 121 Introduction To Social Work 3.00
Overview of the social work profession, including its historical roots, practice settings, clients served, methods of practice, and values and ethics. Also provides an overview of knowledge and skills needed for generalist social work practice with diverse populations. Academic Service-Learning is a required component of this course, providing students with an opportunity to learn about the profession first-hand. Open to all majors.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Social Science
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Fall & Spring
- Online: Summer
SO W 189 Social Work Elective 1.00-9.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to UW-S course.
SO W 289 Social Work Elective 1.00-9.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
SO W 301 Study Away 6.00
Field trips designed by the faculty to give students direct experiences in abroad or domestic locations. Each program includes preparatory reading, orientation meetings, a faculty-supervised study tour, and a concluding reflection or action. Students must obtain approval for taking these courses prior to participation. For specific degree requirements, please consult your advisor. May be repeated only if the content is different. As offered.
- Completion of SOW 121 with a grade of C or better or instructor consent
Typically Offered:
- Occasional by Demand
SO W 325 Ecology of Social Welfare Policy 3.00
First in a two-course sequence. Provides an ecological overview of policymaking-how differing systems and values interact to create the policymaking environment. Begins with a review of the history of social welfare and uses this historical lens to examine the structure of present social welfare policies and service programs. Focuses on understanding the political forces and processes which impact social policy development, as well as upon how ethical, cultural, social and economic justice issues impact the creation of social welfare policy and programs at the local, regional, national and international levels. Open to all majors.
- Completion of SO W 121 with a grade of C or above or Program Consent
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring;
SO W 326 Methods of Practice: Social Welfare Policy Advocacy 3.00
Second in a two-course social policy sequence. Builds upon the ecological foundation established in SO W 325. Students build critical thinking and other practical skills necessary to conduct social welfare policy analysis. Students will be introduced to the concepts of regulation and resistance, as well as an anti-racist lens, and will learn how to apply these understandings to current and historical social welfare policies. Students will be taught how to propose social welfare policy alternatives to meet the service, economic and social justice needs of vulnerable regional people. Finally, students will be trained to apply advocacy skills and to use social and economic justice principles in addressing social welfare needs. Open to all majors.
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall;
SO W 329 Crisis Intervention 3.00
In-depth study of the theoretical basis of what constitutes a crisis, crisis intervention and the steps to be taken in crisis resolution. Focuses on micro, and macro applications of crisis intervention models and practice skills, examining both situational and maturational crises and the implications of crisis intervention for work with individuals, groups and communities, and at the international level. Open to all majors.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring, Other Sum
- Online: Summer
SO W 340 Methods of Practice: Interpersonal Skills for Social Workers 3.00
This course guides social work practitioners in developing essential tools to cultivate interpersonal communication and interviewing skills. With a concentration on a solution-focused perspective, students will delve into fundamental basic skill concepts, placing emphasis on the deliberate use of self, empathy, and the conscious use of self. Advanced skills will center on employing questions to facilitate the development of effective treatment goals. The course practices experiential learning methods through the use of role-playing, simulations, and skills lab.
- Prerequisite for enrolling in SO W340 is successful completion of SO W 121 (C or better)
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall;
SO W 341 Methods of Practice: Individual Case Work 3.00
This course is devoted to development of the entry-level social work practitioner. Focuses on understanding and using current models and theories of social work practice employed by the generalist social worker in casework with individuals, particularly the ethnic/socially sensitive perspective, the ecological model, the problem-solving model, the task-centered approach, evidence-based approach, and the strengths perspective. Course delineates the basic social work helping process: engagement including exploration and data gathering, assessment and planning, intervention, monitoring and evaluation, and termination. Course components also include varying forms of professional documentation and application of the NASW Code of Ethics. Emphasis on presenting students with professional knowledge, values, ethics, and skills to think critically about and conduct effective case work with individuals.
- Prerequisite for enrolling in this course is successful completion of SO W 121 (C or better)
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall;
SO W 344 Human Behavior In the Social Environment I (HBSE I) 3.00
Examination of social work perspectives, knowledge and theory related to human development across the life span (birth to death) with a particular focus on the biological, psychological, intellectual, social, spiritual and cultural contexts. Particular attention is paid to the impact of poverty, trauma, oppression, and marginalization to optimal development. Comparative studies on normative development are analyzed through application and identification of risk/hazards, rpotective factors, and resilience.
- Prerequisite for enrolling in this course is successful completion of SO W 121 (C or better)
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall;
SO W 345 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II (HBSE II) 3.00
Study of the basic concepts of social systems theory particularly relevant to macro level issue impact with vulnerable and at risk populations. Knowledge from the social sciences is integrated to provide a basis for intervention with individuals, families, and communities impacted by the intersectionality of discrimination and oppression. Special emphasis is made on self-examination in relation to ethical, social justice, and human diversity issues and on acquiring transferable sets of skills in learning to interact effectively with populations that have experienced trauma, marginalization and oppression.
- Prerequisite for this course is successful completion of SO W 344
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring;
SO W 350 Introduction to Addiction and Recovery 3.00
Overview of the dynamics of addiction, examining societal attitudes and policies and the impact upon individuals, families, agencies and communities. Includes description of the recovery process and the role of social work, criminal justice and other helping professionals in the treatment of addiction. Opportunity to conduct intensive study of this area. Emphasis is placed on learning to interact effectively with vulnerable and at-risk populations. Open to all majors.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Fall & Summer
- Online: Summer
SO W 355 Death and Dying 3.00
In-depth study of end-of-life and death and dying. Based in thanatology, the study of death, the course offers an examination of body processes, bioethics, memorializing, funerals, and end-of-life planning. A specific focus on the socio-cultural aspect including death rituals and traditions around the world and the experience of grief and bereavement. Demystification of a universal life event with the exploration of personal experiences, impacts to helping professions, and bio/psych/social foundations. This course is offered Room/Zoom.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring, Odd Years;
SO W 365 Method of Practice: Social Work with Groups 3.00
This course uses the basic framework of social work practice, theory, helping processes and skills examined in SOW 340 and 341. Primary emphasis on development of skills to work with both professional and client small-group systems. Group work includes learning effective practice approaches with people from diverse client groups and using the group setting to impact change. The course focuses on understanding stages and dynamics of group process, using groups to address social and economic justice issues and resolving ethical dilemmas that may arise in a group practice context.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring;
SO W 366 Methods of Practice: Agency and Community Macro Skills 3.00
This course teaches macro practice at the agency and community levels for social work and other forms of community change. Course focuses on: 1) conscious use of self and ethics in macro practice; 2) organizational development, facilitation, scenario planning, administration and supervision; and 3) assessment of community needs and social change strategies; 4) budgeting; and 5) grant and report writing.
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall;
SO W 368 Methods of Practice: Social Work with Families 3.00
This course uses the basic framework of social work practice, theory, helping processes and skills examined in SOW 340 and 341. Primary emphasis on development of skills to work with various types of family systems. Emphasis will include learning effective practice approaches with people from diverse families and using the family setting to help impact change. Course focuses on engagement, assessment and intervention strategies, recognizing and resolving ethical dilemmas, and social and economic justice issues within family practice contexts.
Typically Offered:
- Spring Term Only
SO W 380 Methods of Practice: Social Work Research 3.00
This course introduces basic concepts and approaches of social science research. Specific focus on agency-based approaches often employed by social work researchers, and emphasis on understanding the research process including conceptualization, planning, data collection, data analysis, and research writing. Express attention given to ethical and diversity issues often encountered in social work research writing. Students will also contribute to a program evaluation research selected by the instructor.
- Math 130 or PSYC 301 (grade C of better) or instructor consent
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall;
SO W 386 Working with American Indian Families 3.00
Focuses on issues related to contemporary American Indian family life, including recognition of the importance of American Indian tribal contexts and community-based assets; tribal sovereignty, development, implementation, and compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978; and other social policy issues on American Indian families. A primary focus of the course reviews how historic political actions have shaped Native America today. Effective social work approaches when helping American Indian families include support in micro, mezzo, and macro settings, strengths of the American Indian family and community; focus on the concepts of cultural sensitivity and cultural humility specific to the American Indian perspective. Offers an opportunity to better understand and work more effectively with American Indian families. Open to non-majors and can be used as a University Studies Diversity requirement. Cross listed FNS/S OW 386
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
Typically Offered:
- Spring Term Only
SO W 389 Social Work Elective 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
SO W 420 Prep for Field Seminar 0.00
A non-credit course required of all social work majors in the semester prior to field internship. Activities include two one-hour seminars to discuss internship expectations, planning, and preparation and meeting with the Field Coordinator for placement. Students also engage in resume prep, job skill development and formal steps to ensure the social work internship. Pass/Fail.
- Completion of SO W 345
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall;
SO W 422 Social Work Field Instruction I 5.00
The student internship consisting of one half of the required 450 hours jn a community agency.
SO W 423 Social Work Field Seminar I 1.00
A weekly or bi-weekly seminar to discuss social work content related to field internship.
- Enrollment in SO W 422 is corequisite.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring & Summer;
SO W 426 Selected Topics in Social Work 3.00
Intensive study of a specific area. This is a Social Work elective and may be repeated for credit when topics are different. Open to non-majors. On demand.
Typically Offered:
- Occasional by Demand
SO W 427 Social Work Field Instruction II 5.00
The second half of the required 450 hours of field internship.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring & Summer;
SO W 428 Social Work Field Seminar II 1.00
A weekly or bi weekly seminar to discuss social work content related to field internship.
- Enrollment in SO W 427 is corequisite.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring & Summer;
SO W 489 Social Work Elective 1.00-9.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
SO W 498 Independent Projects 1.00-4.00
Students complete an intensive independent study project. Student engage in self-directed study, with instructor input, for which the student develops a detailed contract to guide the project. Contract must demonstrate understanding, application and integration of the social work topic under study. Contract must address ethical, diversity and social justice implications of topic chosen. The class may be designed around any one of a number of relevant social work topics. Instructor's approval required and a permission number needed to register. 1-4 credits.
- Requirement to enroll in SO W 498 - declare SO W Major
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Fall, Spring, & Sum;