Indigenous Studies (INDG)
INDG 101 Beginning Ojibwe Language 4.00
For beginning students in Ojibwe language. Introduction to the phonetics, pronunciation, and rhythm of the Ojibwa language. A standardized spelling system and basic vocabulary will be used; focus on oral fluency.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - WLCP
Typically Offered:
- Online: Fall
INDG 110 American Indian Art and Culture 3.00
Provides an overview of American Indian expressive culture in art, music, literature, film, dance and sport. The course includes lectures, discussions, and films.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
- UST: Humanities - WLCP
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall;
INDG 151 Tribal Sovereignty 3.00
Explores the political, legal, and historical dynamics that distinguish more than 500 Indigenous nations located within the boundaries of the United States. Introduces students to concepts, such as tribal sovereignty, tribal self-determination, tribal law, treaty rights, and federal Indian policy and examines how they shape the relationships between Indigenous people, the federal government, municipal and state governments, the courts, and non-Indigenous people.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
- UST: Social Science
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters;
INDG 189 American Indian Studies Elective 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-Superior course.
INDG 201 Intermediate Ojibwe Language 4.00
Speaking and comprehension of basic Ojibwe speech patterns. Development of rudimentary reading knowledge, conversational skills, and elementary grammar. Emphasis on vocabulary development and cultural perspectives. No prerequisite.
Typically Offered:
- Online: Spring
INDG 223 American Indian History I 3.00
Examination of American Indian history from pre-colonization to 1830 (the era of Removal Policy).
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
- UST: Humanities - History
Typically Offered:
- On-Campus: Fall;
INDG 224 American Indian History II 3.00
Examination of American Indian history from 1830 (the era of Removal policy) to present.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
- UST: Humanities - History
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring;
INDG 289 American Indian Studies Elective 1.00-99.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - WLCP
INDG 289DV American Indian Studies Elective Diversity 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
INDG 289ES American Indian Studies Elective Environmental Studies 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- Natural Sciences - Environmental
INDG 289GA American Indian Studies Elective Global Awareness 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Global Awareness
INDG 289HH American Indian Studies Elective Humanities - History 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - History
INDG 289SS American Indian Studies Elective Social Sciences 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
INDG 289WC American Indian Studies Elective World Language Cultures 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - WLCP
INDG 304 American Indian Literature 3.00
Examines literature by and about American Indians. Students read novels, short stories, and poetry by American Indian authors. Students will be made aware of how this literature differs from traditional western literature in content and theme. Also covers traditional stories that contemporary American Indian literature is based on.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
- UST: Humanities - Literature
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring, Odd Years;
INDG 324 Indigenous History of the Great Lakes 3.00
History of Indigenous peoples of the Great Lakes from precolonial times to the present. Cross-listed as FNS/HIST 324.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - History
Typically Offered:
- Fall Term Every Other Year
INDG 330 Contemporary Issues in American Indian Society 3.00
Study of contemporary developments and issues impacting the diverse Indigenous communities and nations in North America. Topics include: Tribal sovereignty, environmental justice, racism, colonialism, political mobilization, and Indigeneity.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
- UST: Social Science
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Spring, Even Years;
INDG 333 Global History of Indigenous Peoples 3.00
A course on a global history of Indigenous Peoples. The course examines their loss of economic resources, environmental security, cultural, linguistic and political sovereignty and their strategies for survival and reemergence as re-empowered peoples. Examples from many regions of the world with many films. Examples may change but the learning goals remain the same. Cross-listed as ANTH/FNS/HIST 333. Code 4. RE.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
- UST: Global Awareness
Typically Offered:
- Spring Term Odd Years Only
INDG 360 Indigenous Women 3.00
Examines Indigenous women's history, gender roles, and contemporary perspectives. Focuses on Indigenous women in North America.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters;
INDG 368 Cultures of Mesoamerica 3.00
Investigates current and past cultures of Mesoamerica (located in present-day Mexico, Guatemala, and neighboring areas), and their transformations and influence across time and borders. Employs archaeological, historical, and ethnographic data in a lecture, readings, film and discussion format. Cross-listed as ANTH/HIST/INDG 368. Code 2.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Global Awareness
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Fall, Even Years;
INDG 386 Working with American Indian Families 3.00
Focuses on issues related to contemporary American Indian family life, including recognition of the importance of American Indian tribal contexts and community-based assets; tribal sovereignty, development, implementation, and compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978; and other social policy issues on American Indian families. A primary focus of the course reviews how historic political actions have shaped Native America today. Effective social work approaches when helping American Indian families include support in micro, mezzo, and macro settings, strengths of the American Indian family and community; focus on the concepts of cultural sensitivity and cultural humility specific to the American Indian perspective. Offers an opportunity to better understand and work more effectively with American Indian families. Open to non-majors and can be used as a University Studies Diversity requirement. Cross listed FNS/S OW 386
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters;
INDG 389 Indigenous Studies Elective 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-Superior course.
INDG 480 Applied Research 4.00
Focuses on the application of skills and principles learned in First Nations Stuides to a group or individual research or service project.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Diversity
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Select Semesters;
INDG 486 Special Topics 1.00-4.00
In-depth study of specialized current topics in American Indian Studies selected by the instructor. May be repeated for credit when instructor and/or topics are different. Instructor's approval required.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Fall & Spring;
INDG 489 Indigenous Studies Elective 1.00-99.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-Superior course.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - WLCP
INDG 489DV Indigenous Studies Elective Diversity 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
INDG 489ES Indigenous Studies Elective Environmental Studies 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- Natural Sciences - Environmental
INDG 489GA Indigenous Studies Elective Global Awareness 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Global Awareness
INDG 489HH Indigenous Studies Elective Humanities - History 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
INDG 489SS Indigenous Studies Elective Social Sciences 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
INDG 489WC Indigenous Studies Elective World Language Cultures 1.00-12.00
Transfer credits ONLY from another accredited institution not equivalent to a UW-S course.
University Studies Requirements:
- UST: Humanities - WLCP
INDG 490 Indigenous Studies Independent Study 1.00-4.00
Supervised independent study and/or research in American Indian Studies. Instructor's approval required.
Typically Offered:
- On-campus: Fall & Spring;