Academic Catalog

Counselor Education


The University of Wisconsin-Superior, through the Counseling Program of the Educational Leadership Department, offers professional training which leads to a Master of Science in Education Degree (M.S.E.) in Counseling. The program is designed for those individuals who seek advanced professional training in various occupations in the fields of Counseling. Three programs provide a path towards licensure in the State of Wisconsin (LPC, MFT, and School).1 There are four tracks within the program, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy and Helping Foundations. Each track is an integration of academic foundations and professional skills training and is directed at developing a qualified and specialized professional.

Notice:  Due to on-going and/or pending licensure program approvals by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS), program requirements are subject to change for students year to year. Students affected by any approved changes which occur in the catalog will be formally notified by the UW-Superior Educator Preparation Program and Counseling Program.

1UW-Superior education programs are approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to fulfill licensure requirements of the state of Wisconsin.  If you seek licensure in a state other than Wisconsin, please see the UW-Superior Institutional Certification Office FAQs-UW Superior web page for further information and assistance.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Counseling Programs begins with application for admission to Graduate Studies online at For information call 715-394-8295. In addition to the application to the Office of Graduate Studies, the application for admission to the Counseling Program must contain:

  1. Resume and Letter of Intent addressing:
    1. Service to community
    2. Volunteer work
    3. Commitment to others
    4. Work and professional goals
    5. Areas which the applicant considers to be their strengths or weaknesses.
  2. Three letters of reference that speak to the candidate's ability to succeed in graduate school.
  3. Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work with a cumulative GPA of 2.75/4.0 or higher, for full (non-conditional) admission.
  4. An undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution with a GPA of 2.75/4.0 or higher. Students admitted as probationary must complete nine semester credits of introductory Counseling courses at the Graduate level with a GPA of 3.0/4.0 or higher to gain unconditional admittance to the program.  There is no conditional admission to the School Counseling Program.
  5. Pass a Criminal Background Check.
  6. The Counseling program may conduct interviews with students who meet review requirements of above materials.
  7. All candidates will be evaluated throughout the program on their professional dispositions, including the counseling ethical codes and Wisconsin and Minnesota State licensure laws, expectations and requirements.

Master of Science in Education - Counseling

Counseling M.S.E. Requirements

The M.S.E. in Counseling is designed for individuals who seek to provide direct human service in a variety of settings within a pluralistic society. Central to the Counseling program is the preparation of professionals in three major counseling functions, which include:

  • Prevention of personal and interpersonal problems;
  • Fostering of optimal human development; and,
  • Remediation of existing social-emotional-developmental concerns.

The Counseling degree is comprised of a minimum of 60 graduate semester credits of prescribed graduate-level courses, specific to the student's area of specialization. Students are required to take a clinical concentration in one of the following: Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, School Counseling. Because these courses are aligned with a state licensure program, modifications can occur at any time to maintain alignment with state law and accreditation standards. The counseling program also offers a non-clinical 30 graduate semester credit M.S.E. in Counseling with a focus on Helping Foundations.  Up-to-date information will be provided on request. 

A professional portfolio is required for graduation. The portfolio is introduced in the COUN 704 Introduction to Counseling or COUN 708 Introduction to Professional School Counseling courses and culminates in the COUN 756 Internship-School (preK-12) and COUN 758 Internship-Clinical/MCF/Helping Foundations. For School Counseling students, passing scores on the "Praxis: Professional School Counselor 5422" are required for graduation and Wisconsin licensure.  

The Counseling program is designed to meet State of Wisconsin Licensure requirements. Students considering work in other states are encouraged to get the specifics of that particular state. The Counseling program is aligned with state and national accreditation standards and prepares students for licensure eligibility. For additional information regarding the Counseling program, visit  

Full time status at the graduate level, for the online intensive programs only (currently the M.S.E. in Educational Administration, the M.S.E. in Instruction, M.S.E. in Special Education, M.S.E. in School Counseling, M.S.E. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, M.S.E. in Marriage and Family Therapy, and Ed.S. in Educational Administration - Superintendent/District Administrator), is defined as 6+ credits per semester. Correspondingly, 4.5-5.5 credits is ¾ time and 3-4 credits equates to ½ time.

60 (63 for Marriage and Family Therapy track) total credits are required for this major, depending on the specific track chosen.

Counseling core course requirements (36 credits required plus one of the tracks listed below):

COUN 702Counseling Theories3.00
COUN 706Pre-practicum3.00
COUN 712Family Counseling3.00
COUN 718Crisis Intervention and Family Trauma3.00
COUN 728Career Counseling3.00
COUN 730Human Growth and Development3.00
COUN 738Multicultural Counseling3.00
COUN 742Psychopathology3.00
COUN 746Ethics in Professional Counseling3.00
COUN 752Group Practicum3.00
COUN 760Introduction to Assessment3.00
COUN 761Research and Program Evaluation3.00
Select on of the following Tracks:
Clinical Mental Health Track
Marriage and Family Therapy Track
School Counseling Track
Human Relations Track
Total Hours36.00

Clinical Mental Health Track

COUN 704Introduction to Counseling3.00
COUN 734Chemical Dependency and the Family3.00
COUN 744Clinical Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment Planning3.00
COUN 750Practicum/Internship*1.50-3.00
COUN 758Internship-Clinical/MCF/Helping Foundations1.50-6.00
Select 6 additional credits from the courses below:6.00
Family Group Systems
Couple and Marital Counseling
Play Therapy
Counseling Children and Adolescents
Behavior Modification
Counseling and Human Sexuality
Total Hours18.00-24.00

Marriage and Family Therapy Track

COUN 704Introduction to Counseling3.00
COUN 714Family Group Systems3.00
COUN 716Couple and Marital Counseling3.00
COUN 734Chemical Dependency and the Family3.00
COUN 740Counseling and Human Sexuality3.00
COUN 744Clinical Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment Planning3.00
COUN 750Practicum/Internship*1.50-3.00
COUN 758Internship-Clinical/MCF/Helping Foundations1.50-6.00
Total Hours21.00-27.00

School Counseling Track

COUN 708Introduction to Professional School Counseling3.00
COUN 720Play Therapy3.00
COUN 722Counseling Children and Adolescents3.00
COUN 724Behavior Modification3.00
COUN 726Developmental Counseling and Comprehensive Programming3.00
COUN 751Practicum (School Counseling)1.50-6.00
COUN 756Internship-School (preK-12)1.50-6.00
Total Hours18.00-27.00

There is no conditional admission to the School of Counseling Program.  A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale on all undergraduate and graduate coursework is measured for program completion for Wisconsin licensure.

1With approval from the Practicum Instructor, site supervisor, and student's program advisor, a student may start accruing Internship hours once Practicum hour requirements are satisfactory met.  Additionally, all requirements for Internship (COUN 756 Internship-School (preK-12) or COUN 758 Internship-Clinical/MCF/Helping Foundations) must be met for this to occur.

Human Relations Track

The Human Relations Track is designed for individuals who seek to work in nonclinical human service setting such as higher education, criminal justice, business, health care, and administration. Most students in Human Relations already are engaged in careers but want to upgrade their skills, explore other interests, or need an additional degree to reach the next level at their place of employment. Students gain an understanding of human behavior, group process, organizational/developmental dynamics, and effective methods of communication through counseling core courses. Before the end of their second semester, Human Relations students develop a plan of study with their advisor. The plan maps out and explains how the set of courses will prepare the student for her or his intended professional focus. The Internship course is taken during the student's last semester of study. 30 credits are required for the Human Relations degree. This is a non-practitioner degree; it does not prepare the student for certification, licensure, or the title of counselor.

Prescribed courses for the Human Relations track are as follows (30 credits total):

COUN 702Counseling Theories3.00
COUN 704Introduction to Counseling3.00
COUN 706Pre-practicum3.00
COUN 712Family Counseling3.00
COUN 738Multicultural Counseling3.00
COUN 758Internship-Clinical/MCF/Helping Foundations1.50-6.00
Select 9 additional credits from the courses below:9.00
Family Group Systems
Couple and Marital Counseling
Crisis Intervention and Family Trauma
Play Therapy
Counseling Children and Adolescents
Behavior Modification
Developmental Counseling and Comprehensive Programming
Career Counseling
Human Growth and Development
Chemical Dependency and the Family
Counseling and Human Sexuality
Clinical Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Ethics in Professional Counseling
Group Practicum
Introduction to Assessment
Research and Program Evaluation
Total Hours25.50-30.00

The 600-hour internships in Human Relations are field-based, providing practice in skill applications within the students' chosen fields.  They are carried out under the supervision of a site supervisor in cooperation with the university advisor.  Experiences are supported by weekly class meetings to discuss and to integrate experiences.  The remaining 9 credits can come from Counseling or other graduate-level courses.  Students work with their advisor to determine these courses.